More Pressure testing with the BDPathTracer...Tell me to stop at any time
I love how the caustics and diffuse surfaces resolve quickly but glass and in this case glass with multiple interfaces seems to be yielding some unexpected results. Any ideas why the diffuse color is becoming apparent? also seeing caustics through refractive surfaces seems tough, much more so than with the pathtracer. This is especially clear at the base of the radiometer's envelope. I started in a pool scene but was getting nowhere fast.
Heres what you get with the progressive path tracer

Here is the exact same scene with the BDPathTracer, note the white of the diffuse shows up even thouth its a fully refractive and reflective glass mat.

Here is the same scene but the diffuse has been set to black

Heres the file if needed
More Pressure testing with the BDPathTracer...Tell me to stop at any time

Heres what you get with the progressive path tracer
Here is the exact same scene with the BDPathTracer, note the white of the diffuse shows up even thouth its a fully refractive and reflective glass mat.
Here is the same scene but the diffuse has been set to black
Heres the file if needed