Hi all,
Have had this problem for a long time and have been dealing with it in post production but have read in the forum others have had the same issue, have tried all recommendations specially followed this one http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...eadlight+glass but haven't got satisfied yet with the results.
The glass cover object is a solid two faced piece and about 1.5 millimeter, have tried several glass material options, set max depth over 20 and nothing happens, have tried also to manipulate the VRay properties for the objects behind the glass cover increasing the receive GI but result is not good. Also tried cast shadows on and off on both material and object properties.
The scene setup is quite simple, I have three lights that cast diffuse and specular one of them is a dome light and a plane above the car for reflections, as you can see in the images the one "without glass cover" shows everything very acceptable but when I place the glass cover all the objects behind it loose reflections and look dark.
Any help will be much appreciated

Have had this problem for a long time and have been dealing with it in post production but have read in the forum others have had the same issue, have tried all recommendations specially followed this one http://www.chaosgroup.com/forums/vbu...eadlight+glass but haven't got satisfied yet with the results.
The glass cover object is a solid two faced piece and about 1.5 millimeter, have tried several glass material options, set max depth over 20 and nothing happens, have tried also to manipulate the VRay properties for the objects behind the glass cover increasing the receive GI but result is not good. Also tried cast shadows on and off on both material and object properties.
The scene setup is quite simple, I have three lights that cast diffuse and specular one of them is a dome light and a plane above the car for reflections, as you can see in the images the one "without glass cover" shows everything very acceptable but when I place the glass cover all the objects behind it loose reflections and look dark.
Any help will be much appreciated