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Max 2013 sluggish just after render

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  • Max 2013 sluggish just after render

    Has anyone else noticed that Max 2013 is really sluggish right after a render finishes or is cancelled? For me, especially if I cancel a render, I can access Max RIGHT after rendering and then it freezes for 30 seconds. Then it is accessible for 5 seconds, freezes for 10 seconds, and is back. It's not a huge delay, I know, but I thought someone might have figured out a fix (unless it's just me). When you are just doing small region renders to get your mats setup it gets rather tiresome!

    System specs:

    Vray 2.30 (latest)
    i7 2600k
    16gb ram
    Win 7
    Max 2013 64 bit

    It's not just with large scenes and it's not reading my HDD. It seems to be a true 'glitch.' Tempted to go back to '12.

  • #2
    its been reported yes. So far it doesnt seem there is much that can be done yet to fix it, but apparently Autodesk is looking into it.

    Also, maybe try update no3 for 2013, maybe it will help somewhat?
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Try to close vray log window, it works for me fine after closing


      • #4
        I have noticed that in some cases removing "Improve Quality Progressively" from Viewport Configuration helps a lot.
        Unfortunately - it is not working for every PC - but you can give it a try.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          OK - Thanks for those three suggestions! It does seem to be related to Nitrous and it's still there under update 3 sadly. It's really odd, the freeze waits for a while and THEN kicks in. I actually avoided it once by clicking 'render' again in time.

          Doesn't the VRay log just pop back up with every render? I always minimize it unless I need to look at it. Maybe I'm misremembering, I'm not in front of my desktop right now.

          Thank you everyone.



          • #6
            Once Vray Log is minimized it won't pop out until you restore/maximize it.
            You can even disable this Log file from Vray Settings Tab > Vray log > Show window

            Have you tried with OpenGL or Direct3D Display Drivers ?
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              Vray log... or in maya I have that lag if I have textures enabled in viewport or material editor open (hypershade) try disabling textures in viewport using standard view- not realistic and clost material editor.
              CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

     - come and look

