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3DS Max selection lock toggle (space bar) buggy

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  • 3DS Max selection lock toggle (space bar) buggy

    I'm not sure if anyone else finds this, but for me the space bar selection lock toggle in max has always been quite buggy. It has been this way for years and through many max releases. It works predictably sometimes, and other times I hit the space bar and nothing happens. Now with max 2012, I find I will select an object, sometime the selection lock works and sometime when it doesn't, but if I pan or orbit the viewport with a selected object suddenly the selection lock works again. Even worse than when it refuses to lock my selection is when it refuses to UNlock my selection. Generally speaking this is a constant low level annoyance that I'm always fighting - does anyone else have this issue and is there any solution? The best would be a script or plugin that just makes the space bar work properly all the time.

  • #2
    Yes I've also had this for years. Same story with Alt+W. I've now put myself into he habit of just clicking the icons for selection lock and for maximising minimise viewport. ANNOYING...
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Does anyone know of a way to get the selection lock working properly?


      • #4
        MS and Autodesk are educating us to next future where you'll touch everything...

        Mouse& are the devils!!! go back from the darkness

        So, from now, press the icons everytime you need it...

