I'm having some serious issues while rendering with Vray and I'd like some help!
I will describe my process first so you have an idea of what type of software and plug ins are involved:
I do most of my modeling in a program called Solidworks. Once my file is done, and usually those can be quite complex files, I export the model as a STEP file from Solidworks.
I then import it into max using a plug in called power translator (from those guys: http://npowersoftware.com/products.htm) that basically import my model as a power nurbs file. The advantage of this is I can render some really close up images and the model will always look perfect since it recomputes the geometry from the STEP file every time I change the zoom level. I do a lot of industrial design type of work and this is a must for me.
Once the model is imported, I can manipulate the camera, create Vray shaders without textures or maps and render the object, it always works and looks all good. But, as soon as I try to put a texture map and apply a UVW map modifier on it, it crashes once the rendering is done, after the last bucket. Every single time. You can imagine how frustrating it is, making Vray totally useless to me
It's a shame because I love the program. I have tried to render the exact same scene with the default max skyline renderer and it doesn't crash, as soon as I switch to Vray, it crashes at the end of the rendering, either max, or Vray gets an unhanded exception error message.
I'm using 3ds max 2012, Vray 2.30.01 on a BOXX machine with Intel Xeon X5690 3.47Ghz and 24Gb of Ram with a Quadro 6000 on a windows 7 64 bits Ultimate system.
I have attached a simple scene with a box made in solidworks and imported the way I described above in this thread. In this particular example, it also crashes every single time I render the image, I've just used the texture map of the brick wall in the default max folder but it should do the same thing with any file: test_box_with_map_vray.zip
They have a free viewer available on this page: http://www.npowersoftware.com/downloading.htm it will allow you to open the file, view the file and render it.
Again, this is a process I used to do 5 years ago and I never had any issues with it, I'm not doing anything any differently.
If anyone have experience with Npower translator, or if anyone at Vray has some time to look into it, it would be greatly appreciated as I'm getting a bit desperate at the moment...
Thanks a bunch!
I'm having some serious issues while rendering with Vray and I'd like some help!
I will describe my process first so you have an idea of what type of software and plug ins are involved:
I do most of my modeling in a program called Solidworks. Once my file is done, and usually those can be quite complex files, I export the model as a STEP file from Solidworks.
I then import it into max using a plug in called power translator (from those guys: http://npowersoftware.com/products.htm) that basically import my model as a power nurbs file. The advantage of this is I can render some really close up images and the model will always look perfect since it recomputes the geometry from the STEP file every time I change the zoom level. I do a lot of industrial design type of work and this is a must for me.
Once the model is imported, I can manipulate the camera, create Vray shaders without textures or maps and render the object, it always works and looks all good. But, as soon as I try to put a texture map and apply a UVW map modifier on it, it crashes once the rendering is done, after the last bucket. Every single time. You can imagine how frustrating it is, making Vray totally useless to me

I'm using 3ds max 2012, Vray 2.30.01 on a BOXX machine with Intel Xeon X5690 3.47Ghz and 24Gb of Ram with a Quadro 6000 on a windows 7 64 bits Ultimate system.
I have attached a simple scene with a box made in solidworks and imported the way I described above in this thread. In this particular example, it also crashes every single time I render the image, I've just used the texture map of the brick wall in the default max folder but it should do the same thing with any file: test_box_with_map_vray.zip
They have a free viewer available on this page: http://www.npowersoftware.com/downloading.htm it will allow you to open the file, view the file and render it.
Again, this is a process I used to do 5 years ago and I never had any issues with it, I'm not doing anything any differently.
If anyone have experience with Npower translator, or if anyone at Vray has some time to look into it, it would be greatly appreciated as I'm getting a bit desperate at the moment...
Thanks a bunch!