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Crazy colored glow when rendering

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  • Crazy colored glow when rendering

    I am bringing a Revit model into 3DS for rendering. I have done this a ton of times, but sometimes I get these crazy colors when I render (see attached). With most objects I replace their materials with a VRay material. I believe this coloring glow is coming from some conflict with a Revit material that is carried over because if I select all objects and apply a material to them, the weird color glow is fixed. Every time I update my linked Revit model the glow comes back and I have to apply a blank material to all of the objects and reapply all of my materials again, which is very time consuming. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know of a solution?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Check your topo material from the linked file. It's usually apparent in the Scene Materials portion of material editor.


    • #3
      I have already changed the topo surfaces to VRay materials and check them. Still having the glow. It now appears that if I apply a blank material to everything, then apply my VRay materials, the render is fine. But as soon as I save the file, close 3DS, and reopen the file, the glow comes back.


      • #4
        Are all of your scene materials in the Material/Map Browser VRayMtl materials? Any Autodesk materials listed?


        • #5
          and some UVs broken?? If you don't have incompatible maps's probably UVs or normals broken...


          • #6
            I was finally able to find out what maps were causing the problems. The material explorer window allowed me to find autodesk materials with that were still in the scene. Selecting those and adding a VRay material fixed the problem. I still am not 100% sure why the glow came back when I reopened the file. I reloaded the link and everything was fine. I then closed 3DS and reopened it again to the file and the glow was back. I had to just select the Autodesk materials and reassign them again. But thanks for all of your help!

