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Distribute rendering not working on work computer through home network.

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  • Distribute rendering not working on work computer through home network.

    I work for an architectural firm and often work from home. I have a Boxx workstation that I use for production and a Dell workstation that I use as a render slave setup at home, I also have a Boxx workstation laptop that I bring home from the office to use as another render slave. I have a standalone vray license and dongle on the Boxx workstation at home. The laptops domain is setup for the network in the office and the two desktop workstations are setup on my home network. I am able to distribute from the Boxx workstation to the Dell workstation but cannot distribute render to the laptop. Is there an extra step I should be taking since the laptops domain is setup for the work network?

    I was able to distibute render to the Boxx laptop while I had a vpn connection to the office network. It seems to me that the laptop was able to pull a vray license from the office through the vpn connection. Which makes me believe that there is some sort of licensing issue due to the fact that the laptop is on the office networks domain and the home computers are not.

    Can anyone help me with this problem?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by fourthand11; 27-08-2012, 11:57 AM.

  • #2
    Anyone have any ideas on this problem?


    • #3
      Originally posted by fourthand11 View Post
      Which makes me believe that there is some sort of licensing issue due to the fact that the laptop is on the office networks domain and the home computers are not.
      I think you are right.
      Have you check VRSpawner.log on you laptop ? It could be informative.
      Maybe you can try to setup an alternate license server ? (see "Licensing" in vray group of windows start menu).

