A VRay Material with displacement as the base material of a VRay Blend Mat correctly displaces in 2.10. However, displacement does not occur in 2.20+.
0.) Use Vray 2.20/2.30 for broken disp.
1.) Create VrayMat + Noise displacement in slot
2.) Render with working displacement.
3.) Create VrayBlendMtl and add original mat to Base Mat slot.
4.) Render with broken displacement.
Try again in Vray 2.10. correctly working.
0.) Use Vray 2.20/2.30 for broken disp.
1.) Create VrayMat + Noise displacement in slot
2.) Render with working displacement.
3.) Create VrayBlendMtl and add original mat to Base Mat slot.
4.) Render with broken displacement.
Try again in Vray 2.10. correctly working.