Hi all,
I'd like to create a list of problems you have encountered using the LWF button from the VRAY color mapping.
Since the LWF came out I have tried all the possible settings combinations to solve that problem and so far I have found that the LWF button on the color mapping is the best option for me although the same software house discourage its use.
I am sure that there are other users who adopts this workflow and I'd like to compile with them a list of issues that they've met using it.
Spot3d declares that this options is only used to convert old scenes done in gamma 1 to the new LWF but doesn't explain exactly what is wrong with it.
As well, after V-RAY for Maya came out, I see more and more people using this magic button.
The same software house doesn't clarify it's position about the LWF suggesting a preferred method, the only things that I have noticed is that all the video tutorial offered by Chaosgroup are using a gamma 1 setup.
Most of the people agrees that loading their textures with a color correct node .4545 and setting up 2.2 on the color mapping panel is the way to go nowadays.
(and using the don't affect color + srgb button on the VFB if you don't want to bake it)
I do seriously find that this setup doesn't really work for me. fresnel, 2sided material, fogcolor and fastsss2 doesn't look great to me with this setup.
I mainly work on interior scenes and in my personal case I find that although it creates very nice and bright images it just doesn't look photorealistic. It just doesn't.
Anyway getting back to the main topic: LWF button on the color mapping panel.
I find this as the best implementation of the LWF so far.
I still get nice contrast and I don't have to color correct any single texture that is really annoying to me.
So here are the 2 things I have found that I think are wrong at the moment. I'll be happy if you can add your experience.
FastSSS2 material: the ssscolor map and the scatter color map looks washed out. They still needs a color correct node to load the texture at .45
Vraylightmaterial: it looks washed out. Still needs to be color corrected with .45
What else?
Kind Regards,
I'd like to create a list of problems you have encountered using the LWF button from the VRAY color mapping.
Since the LWF came out I have tried all the possible settings combinations to solve that problem and so far I have found that the LWF button on the color mapping is the best option for me although the same software house discourage its use.
I am sure that there are other users who adopts this workflow and I'd like to compile with them a list of issues that they've met using it.
Spot3d declares that this options is only used to convert old scenes done in gamma 1 to the new LWF but doesn't explain exactly what is wrong with it.
As well, after V-RAY for Maya came out, I see more and more people using this magic button.
The same software house doesn't clarify it's position about the LWF suggesting a preferred method, the only things that I have noticed is that all the video tutorial offered by Chaosgroup are using a gamma 1 setup.
Most of the people agrees that loading their textures with a color correct node .4545 and setting up 2.2 on the color mapping panel is the way to go nowadays.
(and using the don't affect color + srgb button on the VFB if you don't want to bake it)
I do seriously find that this setup doesn't really work for me. fresnel, 2sided material, fogcolor and fastsss2 doesn't look great to me with this setup.
I mainly work on interior scenes and in my personal case I find that although it creates very nice and bright images it just doesn't look photorealistic. It just doesn't.
Anyway getting back to the main topic: LWF button on the color mapping panel.
I find this as the best implementation of the LWF so far.
I still get nice contrast and I don't have to color correct any single texture that is really annoying to me.
So here are the 2 things I have found that I think are wrong at the moment. I'll be happy if you can add your experience.
FastSSS2 material: the ssscolor map and the scatter color map looks washed out. They still needs a color correct node to load the texture at .45
Vraylightmaterial: it looks washed out. Still needs to be color corrected with .45
What else?
Kind Regards,