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DR Map Fail

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  • DR Map Fail

    When I use DR the render node doesn't pick up the file maps, and instead renders without any maps (see attachment)

    If I:
    Render an image on the master machine, no problem
    Send the image to the Render node via backburner, no problem

    Use DR and the node will not pick up the maps.

    The files are stored on a central server and are accessed via a mapped drive (example file path Z:\Visualisation Resource\Photoshop\Maps-images) Both machines run Win7 with Bootcamp. Windows 'User account control' is turned off on both machines. Max 2013, Vray 2.30.01

    Any ideas why this is occurring?
    Attached Files
    Last edited by PGD; 14-12-2012, 07:05 AM.

  • #2
    In the render settings, under system have you checked "Check for missing maps"?
    Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

    Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


    • #3
      No - I'd never heard anything about that one...

      Oh wait, I can't see the node starting up and rendering at all with that checked.

      Un-check again and were not picking the maps up just the same..
      Last edited by PGD; 13-12-2012, 05:49 AM.


      • #4
        I think it should be on by default. Why wouldn't you want to check for missing maps on any render?
        Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

        Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


        • #5
          Oh I do, its on now

          But the node isn't chipping in to the render now - is the node not starting because it can't see the map?

          As said if I un-check the 'check for missing maps' the node starts and renders without the map, so it is rendering, just won't pick up the maps..
          Last edited by PGD; 13-12-2012, 06:09 AM.


          • #6
            Still no joy folks

            With 'check for missing files' On, the node will not chip in to the DR render
            Turned Off the node starts up quickly and renders, without the maps.

            I've meddled with the Hosts file on both the node and master machine following notes from the 'Spawner fails' thread, and its made no difference.

            Any ideas very welcome


            • #7

              Do you start V-ray DR spawner manually on your render nodes or it is registered as a service ?
              Tashko Zashev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                Must be a service I assume. I'd start the node up and try with DR, the node would then render immediately without the maps.

                I just Quit the VraySpawner then manually started it, and I have working DR Excellent, thanks for the advice

                So do I need to do this every time I restart the node?


                • #9
                  So do I need to do this every time I restart the node?
                  No, probably V-Ray spawner service has no admin rights to access the network and you have to set the Log On account for it.
                  Another option is to copy V-Ray DR spawner shortcut to the Startup folder.
                  Tashko Zashev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Could this also be the reason of an issue that I'm having with GI maps? Every time in past when I render with DBR I don't get GI for slaves. If I start up manually the slave would the GI work again or its separate problem?

                    Thanks, bye.
                    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

           - come and look


                    • #11
                      Yes it could be, but also could be a firewall, incorrect paths..
                      Tashko Zashev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        Thanks, will give it another go. - but on maya
                        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

               - come and look


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tashko.zashev View Post
                          Another option is to copy V-Ray DR spawner shortcut to the Startup folder.
                          Done, and DR now works - excellent

                          But if I look at the Task Manager on the node there are 2 instances of Max open, is that how it should be? Or should I only see 1 open?

                          (server is open too if that makes any difference)


                          • #14
                            There should be only one Max process.
                            Can you check right click Properties for both of them (Location description) probably they are different 3ds max versions.
                            Also make sure that the V-Ray Spawner service is not running.
                            Tashko Zashev |
                            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                            • #15
                              Both versions are Max 2013, and two versions of vrayspawner are running too.

                              If I go to the node and 'remove vrayspawner as a service' then as you'd expect one version of max and vrayspawner stops running. Restart the machine and all appears to be well this time, I'm sure I did that yesterday and Two versions started up this morning. I'll keep an eye on it.

                              Thanks very much for the help so far Tashko

