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VRayEdgeTex with Turbosmooth and Isoline Display

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  • VRayEdgeTex with Turbosmooth and Isoline Display

    Does anybody know how can I render nicely an object's wireframe with turbosmooth and Isoline display on?

    What I get is curved lines with gaps in between them, just like on the picture I post here. These gaps are not random and they are on places where vertices of the smoothed object are.

    Thanks for any help!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vrayedgetex_problem.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	88.1 KB
ID:	877090
    David Slachta
    The Looop CGI
    Shanghai, China

  • #2
    that would be quite a nice feature


    • #3
      Yeah, I already had that problem, to avoid that, I duped my object and created splines from the edges, but it would be great and easier if this could be fixed
      3LP Team


      • #4
        I just tried to render the wireframe with scanline renderer and standard material's Wire parameter and I got the same result. Probably not a VRay thing to fix then...
        David Slachta
        The Looop CGI
        Shanghai, China

