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Attach Error?

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  • Attach Error?

    maybe not very problem, but anyone got same problem/solution?

    model import from sketchup, before attach is ok, but after attach render got problem.

    jpg and scene can check for attachment.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    could be a problem of normals..
    Prateek Vishwa


    • #3
      Yes, it's looks like a normal direction issue, try "Normal" modifier with "Unify Normals" option.
      Also you may need to check your scene/objects scale. I made a test with your objects in new scene with different scale and the result was correct.
      Here is the file, i have added it to your current scene:
      Tashko Zashev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Sketchup makes everything in some "unknown" unit even when set to use meters etc. so reset xform on the objects in max is important if you want them to behave properly.
        In addition, normals are locked, so any editing of the mesh will result in garbage surfaces.
        This is my workflow for skp imports:

        Reset xform (if the object has world coordinates, i.e the bounding box is aligned to the world grid, I create a helper with autogrid on to get the main axis set, then rotate the helper so z is up, link the imported object to the helper, and finally do the reset xform. Helper can be deleted after if one wishes).

        Convert to editable poly
        (if object is part of several instances, add an edit poly on top, and right-click "collapse to" so instances are retained). Most times this folowing procedure won't work on mesh objects freshly imported so you need to convert to poly.

        Add Edit Normals
        , select all normals (they are usually green when imported from Sketchup), and hit reset. You will see your mesh change and possibly certain elements flip. If you are unlucky and the model was made by some glue-sniffing nitwit, you might have to go in and manually flip faces. The important part is resetting the normals first, otherwise max can get confused as to what to display in one direction or the otherfor some reason (locked normals probably).

        add "Edit mesh" on top and do a new "collapse to" to get your new base object free from Sketchutitis.

        I hope this solves your problem. It is what I need to do every time unless I'm using the models "as-is" and not modifying them.
        Other than that, stop modeling stuff in sketchup.
        If you are even moderately proficient in 3dsmax, you should be able to model most stuff just as fast, with the added bonus of proper working uv coordinates, and modifiers to make things slightly more dynamic\parametric.
        Last edited by trixian; 06-02-2013, 06:59 AM.
        Signing out,

