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Error writng EXR file

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  • Error writng EXR file

    I m trying to explore the possibilities with the exr file, my first attempt I get an error: Error writing render region to raw image file. [ExrFile:: WTRegion] Error writing tile to .exr file.

    What am I missing?

    Best regards

  • #2
    Are you writing to a network location?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yes! indeed


      • #4
        You could try writing to the local disk instead; there is this issue with the OpenEXR library that we have not been able to solve.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Oh I see, its a problem as I render pretty much everything on our render farm through BB, does it work in distibuted mode? Because for this one I render my high res localy with the distibuted but I save it on the network, so it would work if I had saved it localy?

          Best regards


          • #6
            Might be worth using .vrimg instead? You've to convert them afterwards but when I was having network issues with exr files, vrimg bits were totally bullet proof.


            • #7
              Ok Ill give it a try, but how do you convert them to exr after?


              • #8
                With the vrimg2exr tool that comes with the V-Ray installation.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  Ha ok sweet, thanks for the info!

                  Best regards


                  • #10
                    I had a thought about the vrimg2exr tool. Is it possible to add a "folder watch" function where if the tool was open and running it could watch a folder and convert vrimgs to exr as they were added to a specified folder?
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #11
                      Heya Chris, it's not quite the same thing but I've written a maxscript which'll at least make you a bat file to convert a folder of vrimg's:

                      local theFileList = #()
                      	local TheVrimgPath
                      	local TheVrimg2exrpath
                      	Local OutFile
                      	rollout ConvertVRimgBatFile "VRimgBat_0_05: Make a bat file to convert vrimg to exr files"
                      		button ImageFileFolder "Rendered file folder" width:300 Align:#right
                      		on ImageFileFolder pressed do
                      			TheVrimgPath = getOpenFileName types:"Vrimg(*.vrimg)" caption:"Pick the folder with your renders"
                      			ImageFileFolder.text = getFilenamePath TheVrimgPath
                      			theFileList = (getFiles ((getFilenamePath TheVrimgPath) + "*.vrimg"))
                      			print ("the files are " + theFileList as string)
                      			print ("There are " + (theFileList.count as string) + " vrimg files in the folder")
                      			if theFileList.count != 0 then
                      				MyOutFile = "c:\\convert_vrimg_files.bat"
                      				TheBatFile = CreateFile MyOutFile
                      				for i in 1 to theFileList.count do
                                                             -- EDIT THIS LINE SO THE PATH TO YOUR VRIMG2EXR IS CORRECT
                      					format ("\"" + "C:\\Program Files\\Chaos Group\\V-Ray\\3dsmax 2012 for x64\\tools\\vrimg2exr.exe" + "\"" + " " + "\"" + theFileList[i] as string + "\"" + " -compression zips -datawindow -bufsize 500" + "\n") to:TheBatfile
                      					format ("\n") to:TheBatFile
                      				Close TheBatFile
                      				ShellLaunch (MyOutFile as string) ""
                      				messagebox "Your bat file has been created at c:\convert_vrimg_files.bat - Happy now Vadim?"	
                      			) else (
                      					messagebox "There are no vrimg files in that folder"	
                      	CreateDialog ConvertVRimgBatFile width:450

                      There's one line marked there that you've to edit to suit your vrimg2exr location - at the minute it's set for a default vray 2 for max 2012 64 installation. It'll make a bat file in the root of your C drive which'll run through all the files and convert them one by one. We used it when we were having exr problems on the network a while back - admittedly on hd res frames with 30 elements there's a bit of overhead but it's better to have a little bit of a wait but have files that are really solid!
                      Last edited by joconnell; 14-02-2013, 05:07 AM.


                      • #12
                        Just to let you know, after a couples of test that it seems that the exr file is working fine over the network if you untick Render to memory frame buffer!

                        Best regards

