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DR problem - black buckets

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  • DR problem - black buckets

    We are getting black buckets in frames if we have more than 30 machines working on a DR image.
    Setting 40 or 50 machines means about 20% of the buckets render black or dark.

    limiting to 30 machines means everything works fine. It doesn't matter which 30 machines.

    Is there anything I can do about this?

    To me it seems like some sort of network congestion timeout or something. All of the textures are on a NAS with a 10GB network connection.
    Everything starts rendering relatively quickly (~1min) it sort of seems like the bucket traffic is getting tangled up or something.


  • #2
    So is it a texture issue? If you render a scene without textures, does it come out ok?

    Have you tried turning off multithreading on the master machine (or setting the V-Ray threads to 1)? Sometimes if the master machine is heavily busy with rendering, it might not manage to process DR stuff in a timely way.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I have this problem as well. And after doing some testing on the network, on occasion has a packet loss of information that results in these black squares.

      It may be a intermittent or from the network router itself.

      Has been fixed restarting routers. There is something to be 100% sure, but for now it appears that it is an overload and loss of data from the network to the farm.


      • #4
        That would be odd, ideally V-Ray should try to requeue the failed buckets to another machine, but perhaps it doesn't realize that the buckets are lost and keeps waiting for them. We might need a timeout for buckets (although that might bring in other issues).

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Just checked and it still does it with textures off.
          I will experiment with changing the thread count on the master machine.

