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Viewport Shading Problems with Vray Lights

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  • Viewport Shading Problems with Vray Lights

    In Max 2013 PU6 and Vray 2.40.03 under both Nitrous and Direct X mode we are experiences some problems with proper viewport shading using Vray lights. When using the VrayLight set to Sphere type, any viewport illumination simply goes away if you set the radius to a large value (around 290 or larger when using inches). This also happens with Plane lights if you set the half-length and width to a large value.

    The other issue we are seeing is with the VraySun. Viewport shading completely ignores the Intensity Multiplier.


  • #2
    Thanks for the pointers; will look into these.

    The VRaySun has always been like that, because it's typically too bright and there are still various issues with exposure in the viewports.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

