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Zdepth / normals not respecting opacity maps on cards?

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  • Zdepth / normals not respecting opacity maps on cards?

    Heya Folks,

    Just getting a few issues with depth channels and normal channels on a render with lots of opacity mapped cards - I see that the maya folks have some issues here too, is there anything I can do to get this to behave?



  • #2
    As far as I know, Z-depth does not work with transparency, including opacity mapped planes.

    The only way I know to get this working is to use a vray Displacement modifier & use clipping [water level] to create real geometry
    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Cheers, I'll try that so. Much appreciated.


      • #4
        Sorry about my previous post....I was a bit tired & wrote before I thought about it enough

        Yes it can work as I have done this with alpha mapped leaves on trees.

        Remember though that your alpha map should be set to NO filtering and your render should be done with fixed anti-alias set at [1]


        • #5
          Hmm - so a second pass needed then. Good to know though, I'll do a simple test here. Vlado mentioned in another thread that they've made progress on it for regular maps too.


          • #6
            Just select "Affect channels: All channels" and it will work. It's in the Refraction part of the shader, a dropdown menu.


            • #7
              Done but it doesn't work - if you've got overlapping cards then it gets confused :/


              • #8
                Originally posted by joconnell View Post
                Done but it doesn't work - if you've got overlapping cards then it gets confused :/
                Weird, I tried it with a couple of boxes, which were overlapping, and I'm pretty sure it worked (not gonna swear on it though =). Perhaps a ray depth limit?


                • #9
                  It might well be - I'll have another play around with it again and see can I get anything to behave. Cheers for offering another perspective on it!

