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Max background image doen't show up behind Vray glas object, HELP?

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  • Max background image doen't show up behind Vray glas object, HELP?


    I have a truck cab with front and side windows, I render the truck with a background image that is put in the max standard environment map the problem is that the background doen't show thru the windows. The alpha looks good but I would like to render the final image in one go instead of having to use photoshop. Is that possible or do I need to do a post treatment?


  • #2

    Would it be possible to post a simple scene to see your setup?
    Do you get the same issue when you tun off the reflections in the glass material?
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      possible reasons...
      The refraction depth of the material is to low.
      You have an environment map in your glass material (on material level).
      Your reflection/refraction environment from the Vray environment dialogue is active.


      • #4

        Thanks for your input, I started setting upp a simplified scene for this and everything worked fine so I realised it wasn't a problem in the material. I then transferd the rendering settings from the working scene to the not working one and then it worked. So the problem was as samuel_bubat said "reflection/refraction environment from the Vray environment dialogue is active". Since I can't take that away, it will change the look of the image, I put the background image as an environment in the glas material. Now the rendering looks the same but the background shows thru the windows.

        Don't know if this is the "right" way of doing it but it worked for now.

        Thanks for yor input

