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Strange reflections on a mirror

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  • Strange reflections on a mirror


    In a very simple interior scene lit by 4 IES VRay lights, VRay renders some small bright spots on the surface of a mirror. They seem to be some reflection spots. It is weird because Reflection Glossiness of the miror is set to 1. Also my rendering settings are set quite high (IM + LC), it can not be DMC sampler values or noise threshold value so ... Any idea please ?
    Sorry but I can't upload any image (it only causes a blank page to appear): maybe because of new Firefox version (v 20, but I tried with IE, same issue) ?! If you want I can provide you the scene via email.
    Thank you
    Last edited by AltoR; 04-04-2013, 12:07 PM.
    BOKEH Studio

  • #2
    Without an image to look at, it's going to be pretty hard to help diagnose your problem.

    I had a problem with "fireflies" on a previous project, so I created a few render elements to help me narrow down the source of the problem; RawReflection, RawRefraction & RawLighting were the ones most useful to me - I found the noise quite clearly showed up in the reflection channel - and was being caused by a reflection of a reflection, from what I could gather.
    Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

    Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


    • #3
      Feel free to send us your output to:
      Also as Macker mentioned it will be useful if you could add GI, RawReflection, RawRefraction and RawLighting passes.
      Best regards,
      Zdravko Keremidchiev
      Technical Support Representative


      • #4
        I rendered RawReflection & RawLighting passes and I understood that this is a reflection problem because the RawReflection pass is very noisy. I read further VRay manual on and better understood how it works, thanks to ChaosGroup Universal settings explanations. I raise max rate of the DMC image sampler and my problem is solved now
        Thank you for your answer both of you.
        BOKEH Studio

