Hi guys,
I actually bought SolidRocks because I got tired of getting into fine tuning on some of my scenes. Usually the default setup works but on some scenes, even SR can't help me. Like attached. It's actually render with a "very good" SR preset and still tons of splotches on the inner part of the room. I tried deleting objects from sofas to objects on shelves but no good. Any ideas? At the end I rendered it with Brute force which was perfectly clean.
Also, how come vraylight materials on object cause many splotches, should I adjust something if I use them? I don't use direct illumination on them.
I actually bought SolidRocks because I got tired of getting into fine tuning on some of my scenes. Usually the default setup works but on some scenes, even SR can't help me. Like attached. It's actually render with a "very good" SR preset and still tons of splotches on the inner part of the room. I tried deleting objects from sofas to objects on shelves but no good. Any ideas? At the end I rendered it with Brute force which was perfectly clean.
Also, how come vraylight materials on object cause many splotches, should I adjust something if I use them? I don't use direct illumination on them.