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Vrayextratex to get pure, 100% reflections on window glass

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  • Vrayextratex to get pure, 100% reflections on window glass

    I am trying to apply a vrayextratex to specific geometry so that pure, 100% reflections are rendered for those objects in a separate element. I have applied a vraymap (not used one of those for years) with reflect checked to the vrayextratex element, but the rendered result is not what I expect. Most areas are really blown out.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	extratex.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	15.6 KB
ID:	877543
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    If its blown out then it might be reflecting. Did you try going in to photoshop and in 32 bit file lower exposure and check details?

    If all you want is 100% reflection just apply Vray mtl with black DIffuse and 100% reflection and no fresnell... That will give you 100% mirror.
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


    • #3
      Originally posted by DADAL View Post
      If all you want is 100% reflection just apply Vray mtl with black DIffuse and 100% reflection and no fresnell... That will give you 100% mirror.
      Yep - this is what we normally do. I just wanted to see if there was a way to render an element at point of render. Saves a step or two.
      Kind Regards,
      Richard Birket



      • #4
        Ahh humh... isnt there a way to do it using Custom Color ?
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


        • #5
          Originally posted by DADAL View Post
          Ahh humh... isnt there a way to do it using Custom Color ?
          mmm...Custom Color...what's that? I will do a search...
          Kind Regards,
          Richard Birket



          • #6
            Are you aware that the rawreflection render element is 100% reflection? You can do a surface with 5% in the reflection, and the raw will you give a pass as if it is 100. The AA will be calculated on the base though, so you may end up with some noise in it - there's no way around that outside of rendering it fully reflective in the base, but if you get it balanced well in the base you should be alright.

