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VRayMtl + Bump Slot

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  • VRayMtl + Bump Slot

    Hello Vlado,

    I'm using a very big map in VRayColor2Bump, 10240px square, so I'm using VRAYHDRI + Tiled EXR (very efficient, by the way !!!)

    Here is my result :

    #1 big issue
    #2 less
    #3 no more issue

    #4 and #5 are render directly into VRayLightMtl and I don't see any filtering issue.

    No GI
    Filter Maps for GI is ON
    I'm using vray universal settings (the latest one)

    The problem seems to came from the bump slot into the VrayMTL and filtering in general.

    I tried the 3 differents type of filtering into VRayHDRI map and nothing have changed.
    I tried to plug a 3Dsmax bitmap into bump slot with the original PNG, that I used for creating tiled EXR, and the problem is close to the VRayHDRI one.

    As you can see the filtering is correct, but not in bump slot.

    Please help !
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