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Groove line problem

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  • Groove line problem

    Hi everyone,

    Looks like the groove line doesn't show up after render. Different views different problems. Some of the groove line has broke and some doesn't show up and some can see clearly from other camera view.

    Any idea how to solve this problem? Is it rendering setting problem?

    Thanks everyone.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by vsolutionvs; 15-05-2013, 09:21 PM.

  • #2
    better GI, finer AA
    maybe a shoprt radius extratex dirt on those areas


    • #3

      Is it possible to send the scene to: , so we can try to help you with this issue.
      Tsvetan Geshev
      Technical Support Representative

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        As stated before, this looks like a GI problem to me. I expect brute force would solve your problem.
        Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

        Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


        • #5
          Originally posted by squintnic View Post
          better GI, finer AA
          maybe a shoprt radius extratex dirt on those areas

          May I know how to do the GI and AA setting?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Macker View Post
            As stated before, this looks like a GI problem to me. I expect brute force would solve your problem.
            Will try to see whether the problem can be solve but afraid will makes the rendering time longer.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tsvetan.geshev View Post

              Is it possible to send the scene to: , so we can try to help you with this issue.
              Will email to support department.

              Thanks Tsvetan Geshev!


              • #8
                Originally posted by vsolutionvs View Post
                Will try to see whether the problem can be solve but afraid will makes the rendering time longer.
                Well, that's just one way of solving it. As with most 3d things there are probably a dozen ways of going about fixing an issue - that one I suspect would get you the results you want with very little effort, however if you're worried about render times you could simply try increasing your irradiance map settings, and/or turning on "detail enhancement" which will force VRay to take more irradiance samples in "tight" areas of geometry.

                I think what's happening is that it's is currently interpolating between irradiance values either side of the gaps/grooves and thus generating an inaccurate sample.
                Check out my (rarely updated) blog @


                Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


                • #9
                  It dont look like IRR map issue to me to be honest. Can we see render passes(refl/spec/light/gi etc etc) or get part of the scene?
                  CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

         - come and look


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DADAL View Post
                    It dont look like IRR map issue to me to be honest. Can we see render passes(refl/spec/light/gi etc etc) or get part of the scene?

                    Please take a look of the setting. Is render setting problem or other issue caused this problem?

                    Thanks DADAL.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Macker View Post
                      Well, that's just one way of solving it. As with most 3d things there are probably a dozen ways of going about fixing an issue - that one I suspect would get you the results you want with very little effort, however if you're worried about render times you could simply try increasing your irradiance map settings, and/or turning on "detail enhancement" which will force VRay to take more irradiance samples in "tight" areas of geometry.

                      I think what's happening is that it's is currently interpolating between irradiance values either side of the gaps/grooves and thus generating an inaccurate sample.

                      Got it. Will try your solution to see whether problem can be solve. Thanks Macker!


                      • #12
                        try adaptive DMC, rather than subdivision.

                        maybe do a search for an old post of the universal method.

                        you can try 1 / 100 then control the speed of the render with noise threshold.

