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Render Nodes not picking up license.

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  • Render Nodes not picking up license.

    Hey guys/girls,

    Got a strange problem here and I'm not sure whether it's our system or VRay. We have 3x Vray licenses/dongles, one for each of our artists. The render nodes that we have point to my computer for the primary license server, then to the other guys computers.

    A few days back we had some network issues and I had to have my IP changed - but the render nodes didn't seem to pick up the secondary license server, or the third license server either; they just wouldn't render because they couldn't see my PC. Now the problem was easy enough to fix (simply updated the license server info to contain my new IP) but i'm just wondering whether or not VRay actually does use the secondary server when the license is missing from the primary, or whether we have a different network issue happening here?

    It could have consequences as our number of nodes increases and it needs to take into account the extra licenses.
    Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

    Cache nothing. Brute force everything.

  • #2
    Do you have any information in Primary IP address and Port number ?
    Vray License server check alternative license server 1 or 2 only if the first one is not found - but if you haven't got any information in the first one it will not check the other ones.
    Please have in mind that 3DSMax should be restarted after such changes.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      I'll run some more tests and try to narrow down the problem a little and get back to you, I appreciate it's hard to diagnose a problem with such little information and to be fair our network is set up in a peculiar way.
      Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

      Cache nothing. Brute force everything.

