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Parts of the render do not get the right lighting

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  • Parts of the render do not get the right lighting

    I have attached a few samples of a huge scene I am working on but the rendering is giving me problems. Would upload the scene but the archive is like 1.75GB. Anyone have any idea on what is causing this problem? The weird thing is if I re-render the incorrect frames they sometimes are correct and sometime are wrong but different.

    I am using Max 2014 Vray 2.40.4 and 2013 Vay 2.40.3 or something like that.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSSU3_1408.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	529.3 KB
ID:	877737Click image for larger version

Name:	DSSU3_1418.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	531.6 KB
ID:	877738Click image for larger version

Name:	DSSU3_1551.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	342.2 KB
ID:	877739Click image for larger version

Name:	DSSU3_1552.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	534.1 KB
ID:	877740Click image for larger version

Name:	DSSU3_1553.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	533.9 KB
ID:	877741

  • #2
    I wouldn't mix versions for one thing while network rendering - while the chaos guys try to ensure compatibility it isn't always 100%. It also looks like your network is dropping a hdri during some of the frames.


    • #3
      maybe this is a little portion of the project but 1.75GB looks way too much for that scene, beside the problems that you have those trees are floating
      show me the money!!


      • #4
        The reason for mixing to versions is that I have 2 computers. Both of them run Max + Vray. One is Max 2014 one is Max 2013. We always keep one in a previous edition if there are problems we can switch back. So both of them render separate (No network render). The reason for the floating trees is, this is the part the trees kinda drop in the scene. It's an animation showing the old railway station and the new one. Both complete with interior. And there's 8 rigged high detail trains in the scene. The Max file alone is over 3,5GB.


        • #5

          Do you get any warnings or errors in the V-Ray log window?
          Would it be possible to send us the scene file, or any file version that reproduces this incorrect render result?
          We will try to reproduce the same issue with your scene and investigate the reason for it.

          I see that the file is very big therefore we can supply our FTP server as soon as you contact us via email at
          Tashko Zashev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            normal flipped probably


            • #7
              Originally posted by tashko.zashev View Post

              Do you get any warnings or errors in the V-Ray log window?
              Would it be possible to send us the scene file, or any file version that reproduces this incorrect render result?
              We will try to reproduce the same issue with your scene and investigate the reason for it.

              I see that the file is very big therefore we can supply our FTP server as soon as you contact us via email at
              Depens I the frame renders correct I only get the warning about subpixel clamping but when it renders wrong I get alot of Material returned overbright or invalid color usally about 2 dozen times.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mcnamex View Post
                normal flipped probably
                Could be, but would all frames be wrong this way. Its only certain frames and not always. Sometime re rendering the frames solves it magically.

