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How to render rich blacks and whites in the same scene with Linear workflow?

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  • How to render rich blacks and whites in the same scene with Linear workflow?

    I gave myself a challenge. With the same lighting and environment render out a white and a black sphere using linear workflow. The materials are super basic. Default except for the Diffuse value of 255 for white, 1 for black. Both spheres has a reflect value of 0. GI is off and the environment is black. There is no ground plane. One light is used in the scene to illuminate the spheres and is set to a value that renders the white sphere white (rightclick and looking at the values). Vray gamma worflow is set to 2.2, mode = color mapping and gamma, type = linear multiply

    I get some problems

    1. With this scene the black is too bright looking grey. I turn the light to nearly off and white is now looking grey. I know in real photography I would need to expose for each and fix this in post. I would rather not be forced to do this specificly with animations. I have enough post work to do already. So, I tried over driving the dark multiplier to .1 instead of 1 but that effects the white spheres diffuse fall off to much. If I light for black and over drive the white I get unacceptable results as well.

    2. The other problem is when I am adding a reflection environment and using a custom falloff map to control the reflection. I get a hard cut off where either the reflection is there or completely gone. This seams to happen in both gamma 1 and 2.2. I will get the same effect even if I change the IOR. Is there a way that vray could use more values to calculate a falloff? Does anyone else get this and what is your work around? You can see this happening in the image attached

    Any Ideas?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Try to use a black value of less than 1. You can use the VrayColor texture for that.
    For the cut off reflections simply set the cutoff to 0.0 under the options of your material.
    Visualization | Animation | Compositing


    • #3
      @Sicolet: You should start by turning off the sRGB button in the VFB. You are already baking in the gamma, according to your settings in the color mapping rollout.
      Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
      Midwest Studios


      • #4
        one button! I knew there had to be a setting somewhere for the cutoff thing. Thanks Henning.

        Regarding the white vs black I just opened a new scene from scratch and now it is looking like I expected. Weird.

        Thanks for the help guys


        • #5
          You have double gamma going on, that render you posted up looks wrong.


          • #6
            any idea how I would have had double gamma? I wish i saved the scene but i didn't


            • #7
              Yeah you seem to burning in the gamma with the "color mapping and gamma" setting but also have srgb turned on in the vray buffer.


              • #8
                Thanks Joconnell, The new version for max 2014 had me a little confused. I think I got it straight now

