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Net render uses wrong gamma

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  • Net render uses wrong gamma

    I have a scene that was rendering fine both locally and on the network (Using ButterFlyNtRender, which uses 3dsmaxcmd.exe).

    Then I imported a stock 3d model that had been created with VRay 1.5 (I am on the latest 2,x build). I got the warning about should Max turn off the gamma settings because this scene was created without them, and I chose not to modify the gamma.

    In Max everything looks fine. It renders fine, etc. When I go to net render the scene comes out too light, like it is rendered without the gamma correction.

    Any thoughts on how to fix this? I checked the gamma settings under preferences and they were set to gamma 2.2.

    Note I had a scene that was fine, was gamma 2.2 linear workflow. Then I imported a object (series of objects from one file) using Merge. Now the issue, but only when net rendering. I checked the paths, and they are OK.


  • #2
    I finally got it to work right. Being under deadline I did not take the time to narrow it down scientifically (i.e. I changed a bunch of stuff at once). However, I think perhaps it was the turning the gamma corection off and back on in the prefs that did it???


    • #3
      I'm not really sure what causes this, but it has come up occasionally before. Glad you sorted it out

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Thanks for the reply, Vlado.

        When you saw the problem before was it only after importing older geometry (from an older version of vRay), like a stock model?



        • #5
          I have this happening again for myself - seems to happen when I switch between baking the gamma or going linear. I haven't had any issues for the longest time while being in 'color mapping and gamma' mode - but today I switched the project to 'none' and it looks like the DR nodes don't pick up on this... at least not in the precalc buckets - but it seems to be rendering fine...
          Brendan Coyle |


          • #6
            The precalc buckets might be a bit off in general...

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              The issue has come back. I am not sure why, though. I think I re-merged another copy of a stock object (that I modified outside my main scene).

              Any thoughts on fixing this? Going and turning the gamma correction off and on does not seem to have worked.


              • #8
                Somehow I got it fixed again. Always a pain when you are trying to figure this stuff out on a deadline, because you don;t have the time to take a scientific approach to problem solving. YOu have to take a shotgun approach to get things fixed as quickly as possible...

                I *think* turning off gamma correction in the pref, saving the file. Restarting Max, loading the file, turn ON gamma correction in the prefs is what fixed it.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the feedback - let us know if the issue appears again.
                  Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                  Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

