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DR - nodes not picking up IR map precacls

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  • DR - nodes not picking up IR map precacls

    I am trying to precalculate IR map using DR and only the workstation from which im sending the job is calculating.

    First frame went ok as in all render nodes worked but aftrer that no nodes pick up.
    I can see in the vray message window that irradiance mac is sent to all render nodes after each completed frames but they just dont start calculating.
    I can see server xxxx starting to render only after my workstation finishes calculating irr map but than new frame starts and same thing happens.
    I am on max 2014 with latest varay and there are no xrefs in the scene.

    If i restart spawner on a render node, that node only renders 1 frame and than it hangs as before.

    Part of vray log below that shows end of precalc when all render nodes "start rendering"

    [2013/N/24|14:23:02] Sending 574144 bytes of irradiance map to rdrn9
    Ir map precalc finished rendering here
    and suddenly all render nodes "start rendering"

    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Threads completed
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Calling endPass() on irradiance maps
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Calling prePassDone() on irradiance maps
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Saving irradiance map to file "N:\4310 JKIA Animation\Stills\aa.vrmap"
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:58] Server Starting frame 130.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Irradiance map saved successfully
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Image prepass completed.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Calling endFrame().
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Entering endFrame().
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Broadcasting NOTIFY_POST_RENDERFRAME.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Applying render effects.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Waiting for DR to finish
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Number of raycasts: 21088042
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Camera rays: 608256
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Shadow rays: 11608699
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] GI rays: 19977435
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Reflection rays: 382863
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Refraction rays: 50660
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Unshaded rays: 0
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Clearing global light manager.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Clearing direct light manager.
    [2013/N/24|14:23:59] Clearing ray server.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing geometry.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Calling frameEnd() on render instances.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Calling frameEnd() on render objects.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Calling frameEnd() on render materials.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Number of intersectable primitives: 2319986
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] SD triangles: 2256279
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] MB triangles: 0
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Static primitives: 63707
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Moving primitives: 0
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Infinite primitives: 0
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing camera image sampler.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing camera sampler.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing DMC sampler.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing path sampler.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing color mapper.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Region rendering: 79.4 s
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] endFrame() done
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Updating irradiance map info.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] RenderAtTime() done.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Stopping frame timer.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Total frame time: 100.6 s
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Render() done.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Entering Render().
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Setting up MAX progress callback.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Creating G-buffer channels.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Starting frame timer.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Entering RenderAtTime(t=22400, fieldMask=3)
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Rendering frame at time 22400
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Setting up frame data.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Extracting frame data from FrameParams.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Extracting frame data from VRender Environment params.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Extracting frame data for fields.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Extracting frame data from node (VRayPhysicalCamera002 ANI).
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Rendering from camera VRayPhysicalCamera002 ANI
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Setting up frame region.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Clearing previous contents of frame buffer.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Calling beginFrame().
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Entering beginFrame().
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Setting RenderGlobalContext.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Broadcasting NOTIFY_RENDER_PREEVAL.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Updating the tone operator.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Preparing camera sampler.
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Calling update().
    [2013/N/24|14:24:00] Updating scene materials for time=22400
    Last edited by pascalls; 24-11-2013, 08:26 AM.

  • #2
    Thank you very much for the detailed information.

    First we would like to find our whether this issue is scene-dependent or it happens on all occasions.
    Would it be possible to prepare a new very simple scene with a few lights and basic primitives with the same GI-setup as in the problematic scene and run a few test renders.
    Let us know if the issue is still there or it is gone.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      Sorry for the late reply,
      i was busy getting the animation done and have also been talking to support@vray regarding this issue.

      To answer your question, this is happening on nearly all precalc jobs. There was only one that used few nodes but even they dropped half way through.

      Vray support suggested that i increase bucket size. I did that and it worked for few frames and it than dropped all render nodes.
      I will try what you suggeste and will let you know what happened.


