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Specular flickering/artifacts when rendering BB

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  • Specular flickering/artifacts when rendering BB


    I've been having problems rendering a scene with Backburner and a couple renderslaves here.


    Max2014 sp3 on host pc,
    win7 64bit, vray 2.40.04.

    Max2014 without sp3 on renderslaves and also win7 64bit and same vray version.

    It's with a baked GI map on a network location which all the renderslave can access.
    When I render out a scene I get weird artifacts and flickering in the specular render element. See attached images for info.
    Any thoughts what it might be? Windows regional settings? The service pack should be installed everywhere? Somekind of resource some slaves can't reach? Maybe I should make sure all the maxes have the same settings, but how would I do that easily on 30+ pc's...

    Click image for larger version

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    The frames where the building's right facade is darker, are the incorrect ones. I have noticed that the renderslaves are consistent. For instance, one slave will render all frames correctly, while another slave will always render it incorrectly and not switch between this. But what i noticed is, that its only the Specular element thats giving me problems, which I thought was weird.

  • #2
    It's caused by the service pack not being installed on all the machines. I had exactly the same problem last week. I don't know why but Max 16.0 renders some things lighter than 16.3.
    Dan Brew


    • #3
      Well, I'd agree with you surely, but some slaves render correctly, and some don't. But they both do not have sp3. Logic dictates that both wouldn't render it correctly.


      • #4
        I don't know which service pack changed the renders but between 16.0 and 16.3 something happened.
        This is the problem we were having last week. The grey carpet in the foreground is flickering and if you look carefully the VRaySun is brighter near the window.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	A2 Meet Greet-002-0497.jpg
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ID:	850934Click image for larger version

Name:	A2 Meet Greet-002-0496.jpg
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Size:	161.1 KB
ID:	850933
        Dan Brew


        • #5
          This does seem exactly what I have... but still weird that it isn't consistent. Okay then, I'll get SP3 rolled out and see what happens Thanks for your help!

