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Anisotropic reflections produce unexpected results
Hi Neil, big fan of your work and scripts. Without downloading the attached file I would take a guess that you have a bump map in use as well as the anisotropy in the shader. Disable the bump and check if your reflections appear closer to the result you're trying to achieve. I've had strange results when using bump & anisotropy together, I imagine the bump is disturbing the normals and the anisotropy is unable to return the expected result because of this. I could be wrong but this has always worked for me when troubleshooting strange reflections.
I was kind of anticipating the no bump map response and trying to think of an alternative suggestion before your reply but you beat me to itI will download the scene in the morning and try a few things, I think it will be something very easy to overlook - hope so anyway. I can think of a number of ways to get you the result you're after but I'm intrigued as to what this error is down to.
- Anthony
(This is my boss Richards user account)
Thanks. Found some further weirdness. If I switch to a vray light and make the size very small (mimicing a point light), I get a totally different pattern. Also, if I add more spans to the top surface of the cylinder, I get a totally different pattern as well, which is weird because it should be keying off the UVs, and the amount of faces shouldn't affect anything. Something is definitely amiss.
- Neil
Yeah I think it's something to do with the cylinder object. The cap seems to create some strange effects. I think your light position and type also isn't helping.
Your material in essence should produce a somewhat correct result but the rest of the scene and the misbehaving geometry isn't helping...
Tried the same scene on a plane instead of a cylinder, and I get even weirder results. So I think it's the vray material that's misbehaving. I can replicate the proper results with an identical scene in scanline, brazil and mentalray, vray's the only one that's not working. If I haven't missed anything, then I'll probably submit it as a bug.
- Neil
I've done it the same way you did. I have the anisotropic rotation set to map channel 1 with the same spiral gradient ramp map you used.
This makes no sense. What is normal max geometry? Are you talking about primitives? If so there are loads of things one should not use primitives for, and might require some carefully planned construction. This is nothing new. You seem shocked a shader does not have a special case handling for objects with bad normals?Signing out,
Neil I just downloaded your scene and had a look. Oddly enough inside the material viewport the gradient ramp didn't show up correctly. So just for fun I used a bercon gradient ramp with the same spiral setting which resulted in picture "A":
After that placed a new default 3ds max spiral gradient ramp inside the ani.rot slot which gave me this result:
Strange why the bercon ramp and the default map differ in results even though they look visually the same.
*edit because apparently I was drunk when I wrote this :P*Last edited by Mokiki; 10-12-2013, 08:59 AM.
Originally posted by trixian View PostThis makes no sense. What is normal max geometry? Are you talking about primitives? If so there are loads of things one should not use primitives for, and might require some carefully planned construction. This is nothing new. You seem shocked a shader does not have a special case handling for objects with bad normals?Since the anisotropic effect is uv based, I would expect it to work on anything with the appropriate uvs. It's a pretty standard subdiv workflow to say make a cylinder, convert it to editable poly, then modify it as necessary to become say the elbow in a robotic arm. So the anisotropic shader should work in this case, again, assuming you've set up the uvs correctly.
Originally posted by ralphr View PostNeil I just downloaded your scene and had a look. Oddly enough inside the material viewport the gradient ramp didn't show up correctly. So I just for fun put a bercon gradient ramp inside with the same spiral setting which resulting in picture "A":
After that I put in a new default 3ds max spiral gradient ramp inside and than I got this result.
Strange why the bercon ramp and the default map differ in results even though they look visually the same.
- Neil
So did a lot of poking, and it's odd. So if I replace the Gradient Ramp in the file with a fresh one, it works as expected. The gradient ramps are identical in every way parameter wise, but the new one works, and the old one doesn't. The only explanation I can come up with is data corruption, maybe the old gradient got corrupted somehow. Anyways, since it does work with a fresh Gradient, I'll just chalk this up to weirdness. Thanks again everyone, and Oliver, thanks for finding the last puzzle piece!
- Neil