So try this script...
theObject1 = Sphere segs:32 mapcoords:true pos:[0,0,25]
theObject2 = Sphere segs:32 mapcoords:true pos:[0,0,100]
theMap = cellular cellColor:blue divColor1:red divColor2:yellow size:15
themat = standard diffusemap:theMap
theObject1.material = themat
theObject2.material = themat
objs = #(theObject1,theObject2)
for o in objs do
be1 = vraydiffusefiltermap()
be1.fileType = ("d:\\" + + ".tif")
be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
be1.enabled = true
o.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1
o.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = false
o.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1
o.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 1
select objs
render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb
ff progressBar:true outputSize:[256,256]
When you run a similar script in scanline, you get one bitmap per object. When you run in vray, you get only the first object rendered. Does maybe rendertype:#bakeSelected not work in vray?
- Neil
theObject1 = Sphere segs:32 mapcoords:true pos:[0,0,25]
theObject2 = Sphere segs:32 mapcoords:true pos:[0,0,100]
theMap = cellular cellColor:blue divColor1:red divColor2:yellow size:15
themat = standard diffusemap:theMap
theObject1.material = themat
theObject2.material = themat
objs = #(theObject1,theObject2)
for o in objs do
be1 = vraydiffusefiltermap()
be1.fileType = ("d:\\" + + ".tif")
be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
be1.enabled = true
o.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1
o.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = false
o.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1
o.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 1
select objs
render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb

When you run a similar script in scanline, you get one bitmap per object. When you run in vray, you get only the first object rendered. Does maybe rendertype:#bakeSelected not work in vray?
- Neil