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DR slave machine stop rendering after finishing first frame

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  • DR slave machine stop rendering after finishing first frame


    I want to use DR in "Incremental add to current map" mode in Irradiance Map to speed up calculations for GI in one "room" - it's just 3 frames. Slave computer help rendering first frame but stop on the next frame. Manualy restarting DRSpawner on slave resolve the problem for one frame. I have arleady ticked "restart slaves..." option.

    I'm using vray 3 but this happend in beta and previous version too.


  • #2
    I've run a simple test here but I am not able to reproduce the issue.
    Please make sure that all machines have the exact same Vray version installed, in order to run DR properly each machine should have the same Vray version.
    Could you please confirm which are the exact version of Vray and 3DSMax you are using, what Operating System is installed on the workstation and slave machine ?
    Would it be possible to run the same test on another scene preferably something very simple with a few primitives and a light.
    What happens if you are rendering without GI - does the slave machine stops after the first frame or it continues to the next frame ?
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      I did a simple test and everything run fine... It have to be something with heavier scene. My last scene where I want to use this was interior and not so complicated.

      GI... the point is to run Fly-Through type GI calculation for few shots in one room to get better GI results and final rendering run frame by frame on each mashine

      My Specs
      Vray: lastest on booth computers but I noticed that on earlier versions too.
      OS: Win 8.1 x64. Main computer run with Win Pro

      I can share the scene if you want run some tests.



      • #4
        A scene would be very very helpful, thanks!

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5

          Here you go. All asstets are included (~550MB):

          Vlado - please check your quota for private msgs

          have fun!


          • #6
            Originally posted by 3dcorner View Post
            Vlado - please check your quota for private msgs
            It's no use... fills up faster than I can clear it

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Originally posted by vlado View Post
              It's no use... fills up faster than I can clear it

              Best regards,
              About message count can we somehow buy/increase the capacity? I so don't want to delete them, and I'm filling up :s
              CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

     - come and look


              • #8
                We will check with our sysadmins if something could be done.
                Technical Support
                Chaos Group

