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DR over backburner problem

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  • DR over backburner problem


    i came accross a problem with using DR over backburner.

    When i launch a render locally with DR on slaves, everything renders fine
    When i launch the same render over to backburner, with DR enabled on the same slaves, the buckets rendered on the slaves DR and rendered without texture/maps.

    When i render over backburner without DR, everything renders fine on all the slaves.

    Can you reproduce this ?

    ps: vray 3.0, 10 renderer nodes licence (so this shouldn't be a problem)

  • #2

    Could you post the VRaylog.txt file from one of the salves as soon as start another Backburner job?
    Do you use the option to Transfer missing assets?
    Thank you.
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hmm...strange i can't reproduce the error

      (transfer missing file was enabled btw)

      I will come back to you asap if i come accross the same problem again


      • #4
        If you come across the same issue again you could send us more details and log files to our support mail (
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Hi, I Have the same exactly problem.
          My software versions:
          3ds max 2014 sp4 (both workstation and slaves)
          V- Ray 3.0.3 (both workstation and slaves)
          Back Burner 2014

          Have you solve it?



          • #6
            Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce the issue here.
            Would it be possible to send us the log files from dr-slave machines after the render is finished ?
            What happens if Transfer Missing Maps feature is turned ON ?
            Have you got any firewalls/anti-virus software on the machines ?
            What is the operating system is installed on the workstations and slaves ?
            On which machines BackBurner Server/Manager are started ?
            Does the issue persist on every scene or it appears only on particular ones ?
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              Unfortunately now I'm at home with temperature, so I can't send you logs, the only thing that I forgot to say is that I use multi texture plug in with those scenes. If I start render from max interface, all runs well, if I send the same scene (with transfer missing map always on) to back burner, the slaves buckets render black.
              When I'll back to work I'll send you the slaves log (where can I find it ?)

              Thank you



              • #8
                We are having a similar issue.
                When we used to render DR jobs over backburner we could stack jobs up and once a job had finished it would move on to the next jobs and all the DR nodes would join up.
                Now in 3.0 jobs have to completely finish before other jobs can start rendering with DR otherwise no DR nodes pick up.
                Vlado mentioned that there was a change in the port number from 2.4 to 3.0 so I am wondering if that could be affecting it.
                Chris Jackson


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sprawl View Post
                  When I'll back to work I'll send you the slaves log (where can I find it ?)
                  Log files are usually located under windows-temp directory > %temp% in windows explorer.
                  We will also need a reproducible scene since we are not able to get this behavior here.

                  Originally posted by jacksc02 View Post
                  Vlado mentioned that there was a change in the port number from 2.4 to 3.0 so I am wondering if that could be affecting it.
                  I don't think that this could be referred to port-number since the slaves shouldn't start even for the first job.
                  I would need a little help to try to reproduce it here - could you please give me step by step instructions what exactly do you do in order to get this issue?
                  Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                  Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                  • #10
                    Hi Svetlozar,
                    Here is what is happening with our DR renders over backburner in 2.4 and 3.0.
                    The renders we are sending off are single images from different scenes.
                    All max/vray versions are the same.

                    VRay 2.4-
                    Backburner job sent to render01 and render02.
                    Render01 starts rendering and all the slaves join in.
                    Render02 starts rendering without DR as all the slaves are busy.
                    Render01 finishes rendering
                    Render02 then adds all the DR slaves and completes.

                    VRay 3.0
                    Backburner job sent to render01 and render02.
                    Render01 starts rendering and all the slaves join in.
                    Render02 starts rendering without DR as all the slaves are busy.
                    Render01 finishes rendering
                    Render02 keeps rendering without DR
                    DR slaves remain idle
                    IF the Backburner job is restarted on Render02 then it picks up all the DR slaves
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #11
                      Hello Chris,

                      Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.
                      We've run the same test here with 3.00.03 submitting multiple BB jobs from single machine or from multiple machines and whenever DR-slave machines finishes current job they immediately jump to the next one.

                      What is the exact Vray version that you are using ?
                      Have you tried to turn ON/turn OFF Restart Servers On Render End from Distributed Rendering settings ?
                      How dr-spawners have been launched, as a service or manually ?
                      Have you got multiple dr-spawners started at the same time ?
                      What is the version of 3DSMax / Backburner ?
                      What is you operating system ?
                      Have you got any differences between workstations and dr-slave machines in terms of software version , operating system and etc ?
                      Would it be possible to send us the log files from the slave-machines immediately when the first job ends ?
                      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                      • #12
                        What is the exact Vray version that you are using ? 3.05.05
                        Have you tried to turn ON/turn OFF Restart Servers On Render End from Distributed Rendering settings ? yes and the same thing happens.
                        How dr-spawners have been launched, as a service or manually ? Manually launched
                        Have you got multiple dr-spawners started at the same time ? no. just 2014 spawner
                        What is the version of 3DSMax / Backburner ? Max 2014 SP3/ Backburner 2014
                        What is you operating system ? win 7 x 64
                        Have you got any differences between workstations and dr-slave machines in terms of software version , operating system and etc ? no differences at all
                        Would it be possible to send us the log files from the slave-machines immediately when the first job ends ? I will send the log in a few minutes
                        Chris Jackson


                        • #13
                          here is the log-

                          0: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] ========================== Starting new session ==========================
                          1: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Got this module name: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\vrayspawner2014.exe
                          2: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Got this INI file name: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\VRaySpawner.ini
                          3: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] *** ALERT! Could not open INI file: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\VRaySpawner.ini". Using defaults.
                          4: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] --
                          5: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Dumping current settings...
                          6: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] VRaySpawner temp dir: "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp"
                          7: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Application name (MAX/VIZ): "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\3dsmax.exe"
                          8: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] --
                          9: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Process id is 4180 (0x1054)
                          10: [2014/Mar/1|00:20:52] Executing ""C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\vraydummy2014.max "
                          11: [2014/Mar/1|00:28:31] Process id is 4180 (0x1054)
                          12: [2014/Mar/1|00:28:31] Executing ""C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\vraydummy2014.max "
                          Chris Jackson


                          • #14
                            Hi Chris,

                            Thank you for posting the requested information. We are able to reproduce the issue using the latest 3.05.05 nightly build.
                            Now we are trying to find what could be the reason for it and what changes have been made in the latest builds.

                            The official V-Ray build 3.00.03 should not has this problem.

                            If we have any update will post here.
                            Thanks a lot.
                            Tashko Zashev |
                            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                            • #15
                              Thanks Tashko!
                              I will keep my eye on the changelogs in the nightly builds for a fix
                              Chris Jackson

