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Vray 3.0 - Render nodes

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  • Vray 3.0 - Render nodes


    I just upgraded from Vray 2.4 to Vray 3.0

    My network settings are same as before (could network render with 2.4) I have upgraded the render slave as well.
    I only have 1 workstation + 1 render node (pc) but Vray 3.0 keeps saying the slave is not responding.

    Can someone confirm that Vray 3.0 comes with 1 render node?

    And how can I check that the slave is seeing the licence on the work station? Not very tech savy, but can I ping the workstation or something?

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • #2
    1 render node means you can render on 1 pc. Most likely this is your workstation. If you have 1 slave (besides your main workstation), you will need ANOTHER render node license

    The license stuff has changed in 3.0
    You now need a render node license for each pc you render on. The workstation license is just for the GUI (the interface in max)
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Thanks for that, my service provider kept saying that it came with 1 extra render node, so think few people getting confused.
      Oh well will have to fork out some more cash.


      • #4
        Check with the sales guys here at chaosgroup. There was an upgrade thing not long ago whereby you did get 2 nodes...
        check your status on your dongle. It will tell you how many licenses of what you have
        Last edited by Morne; 24-02-2014, 06:50 AM.
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Morne is correct.
          DEREK_DALLAS, if you have bought only one Workstation license you have only one Render Node license that comes with it.
          This means you can use V-Ray GUI on one PC and render on one. For each additional PC that you want to use for rendering you need one more Render node license which you could buy separately.
          Currently the machine from where you submit a render job will always use a render node license even if you exclude it from the rendering. This will be changed/fixed with some of the patches.
          Technical Support
          Chaos Group

