Hi All,
I'm using 3DS max 2010, with VRay Adv 2.20.02, and I'm struggling to understand the following strange behaviour:
When I first load my working scene and add a Daylight system with VRay sun and no sky, and render my currently working camera, the render shows like this:

But after running a script of my own that automatically sets Daylight system solar date and time to position the VRaySun and render the target camera,
the render shows like this:

My objective is to end with the sunburnt patch on the floor looking like the one in first render, with clean edges, because I understand that's the
real appearance it should have. This render is intended to simulate real sunlight conditions on a real flat.
I've been doing several tutorials relative to render settings, including the one posted in one of your forums,
But Its been impossible to me to achieve a render like the first one starting from the second one and changing settings.
Is there something I'm missing?
How do you call the effect that appears on the second render?
Any advise will be welcome!
Thanks in advance.
There are some observations to take into account:
1.- I'm not always capable of reproducing the first render, neither when I start 3DS from fresh and load a new Daylight system (although it worked several times).
It seems to me that the first kind of render appears at random, or at least I've been unable to find a sistematic way to reproduce it.
2.- My script doesn't change any render settings (at least in apparence). I've been skimming through the code, but I cannot find any instruction that points
to any "Render Setup" parameters. It neither deals with materials, just because I have to assign them by hand every time I rebuild the scene from scratch.
3.- The only VRaySun parameters changed by script are:
Intensity multiplier
sky model to set it to CIE clear
indirect horiz illum
4.- The only Daylight parameters changed by script are:
5.- The scene is formed entirely by plane objects, so the walls have no thickness.
6.- The sunburnt patch on the floor is formed in part by the window, in part by an exterior mesh that occludes part of the direct light. The exterior building is a mesh
formed by 6 planes.
7.- I've been able to reproduce the first render for several times in a row, but when I run my script, it ceases to appear, being replaced by the second.
8.- In the materials, I usually leave the default subdivs parameters for all Rendering elements (reflection, refraction, etc), but I've tested to use other setups, all of them
giving renders like the second image (with the granularity more smooth or less, but without being as clean as in the first image) as far as I can remember.
9.- I've been testing several values for the shadows subdiv parameter of VRaySun, with no effect. I also tried to change shadow bias to 0.0 or to 0.1, also with no
9.- The Render Setup I use is based on the Universal settings, with the following changes:
RenderSetup -> V-Ray -> V-Ray::Color mapping -> Type = HSV exponential with standard settings.
RenderSetup-> V-Ray -> V-Ray::Image sampler (Antialiasing) -> Image sampler -> type = Adaptive subdivision with standard settings.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Indirect illumination (GI) -> Post-processing -> Saturation = 0.0.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Irradiance map -> Built-in presets -> Current preset = Very low.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Light cache -> Calculation parameters -> Subdivs = 25.
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Raycaster params -> Default geometry = Auto
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Raycaster params -> Dynamic memory limit = 6200 MB
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Render region division -> Region sequence = Triangulation
RenderSetup-> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> VRay log -> Show window = disabled, Level = 1
I'm using 3DS max 2010, with VRay Adv 2.20.02, and I'm struggling to understand the following strange behaviour:
When I first load my working scene and add a Daylight system with VRay sun and no sky, and render my currently working camera, the render shows like this:
But after running a script of my own that automatically sets Daylight system solar date and time to position the VRaySun and render the target camera,
the render shows like this:
My objective is to end with the sunburnt patch on the floor looking like the one in first render, with clean edges, because I understand that's the
real appearance it should have. This render is intended to simulate real sunlight conditions on a real flat.
I've been doing several tutorials relative to render settings, including the one posted in one of your forums,
But Its been impossible to me to achieve a render like the first one starting from the second one and changing settings.
Is there something I'm missing?
How do you call the effect that appears on the second render?
Any advise will be welcome!
Thanks in advance.
There are some observations to take into account:
1.- I'm not always capable of reproducing the first render, neither when I start 3DS from fresh and load a new Daylight system (although it worked several times).
It seems to me that the first kind of render appears at random, or at least I've been unable to find a sistematic way to reproduce it.
2.- My script doesn't change any render settings (at least in apparence). I've been skimming through the code, but I cannot find any instruction that points
to any "Render Setup" parameters. It neither deals with materials, just because I have to assign them by hand every time I rebuild the scene from scratch.
3.- The only VRaySun parameters changed by script are:
Intensity multiplier
sky model to set it to CIE clear
indirect horiz illum
4.- The only Daylight parameters changed by script are:
5.- The scene is formed entirely by plane objects, so the walls have no thickness.
6.- The sunburnt patch on the floor is formed in part by the window, in part by an exterior mesh that occludes part of the direct light. The exterior building is a mesh
formed by 6 planes.
7.- I've been able to reproduce the first render for several times in a row, but when I run my script, it ceases to appear, being replaced by the second.
8.- In the materials, I usually leave the default subdivs parameters for all Rendering elements (reflection, refraction, etc), but I've tested to use other setups, all of them
giving renders like the second image (with the granularity more smooth or less, but without being as clean as in the first image) as far as I can remember.
9.- I've been testing several values for the shadows subdiv parameter of VRaySun, with no effect. I also tried to change shadow bias to 0.0 or to 0.1, also with no
9.- The Render Setup I use is based on the Universal settings, with the following changes:
RenderSetup -> V-Ray -> V-Ray::Color mapping -> Type = HSV exponential with standard settings.
RenderSetup-> V-Ray -> V-Ray::Image sampler (Antialiasing) -> Image sampler -> type = Adaptive subdivision with standard settings.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Indirect illumination (GI) -> Post-processing -> Saturation = 0.0.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Irradiance map -> Built-in presets -> Current preset = Very low.
RenderSetup -> Indirect Illumination -> V-Ray::Light cache -> Calculation parameters -> Subdivs = 25.
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Raycaster params -> Default geometry = Auto
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Raycaster params -> Dynamic memory limit = 6200 MB
RenderSetup -> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> Render region division -> Region sequence = Triangulation
RenderSetup-> Settings -> V-Ray:: System -> VRay log -> Show window = disabled, Level = 1