Hi everyone !
I posted this in another topic but I thought I'd open my own thread instead
So I'd like to talk about Peregrine Lab's plugin for Nuke, Bokeh, which apparently does a great job at DOF in post through Deep Data.
I tried to export an exr 2.0 file from vray 3.0 and I can do some nice object_id isolation and CC work with no matte lines (which means my deep file work great)
But when I use Bokeh and I try to have the sharp zone on the middle teapot, I get nasty edge artefacts where the foreground teapot meets the sharp zone (see image below)
Do you guys face that issue or am i doing it all wrong ? Maybe the issue is completely unrelated to Vray but I wanted to discuss this with you guys

BTW, here is how i set bokeh in nuke:
DeepRead -> deep2image -> Bokeh "input"
Same DeepRead as above -> Bokeh "deep" input (apparently it doesn't even use it since you could plug any picture there - this is just a trick to force Bokeh to display the output)
Thank you very much !
I posted this in another topic but I thought I'd open my own thread instead
So I'd like to talk about Peregrine Lab's plugin for Nuke, Bokeh, which apparently does a great job at DOF in post through Deep Data.
I tried to export an exr 2.0 file from vray 3.0 and I can do some nice object_id isolation and CC work with no matte lines (which means my deep file work great)
But when I use Bokeh and I try to have the sharp zone on the middle teapot, I get nasty edge artefacts where the foreground teapot meets the sharp zone (see image below)
Do you guys face that issue or am i doing it all wrong ? Maybe the issue is completely unrelated to Vray but I wanted to discuss this with you guys

BTW, here is how i set bokeh in nuke:
DeepRead -> deep2image -> Bokeh "input"
Same DeepRead as above -> Bokeh "deep" input (apparently it doesn't even use it since you could plug any picture there - this is just a trick to force Bokeh to display the output)
Thank you very much !