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Max Crashes when save scene with region defined in Vray Frame buffer

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  • Max Crashes when save scene with region defined in Vray Frame buffer

    Hello !
    Using Vray 3.00.07.

    was playing with a 1000*600 scene for testing dmc stuff, and defined a vertical strip for region observation.
    (note : the y region was almost 600 pixels height)

    i rendered many times with no problem with the region.

    Then, i made a CTRL+S of the max scene, then rendered again. Max crashed immediatly.

    Problem remains when reopening the scene in a fresh max.

    i think i figured out :
    just after opening the scene in a fresh 3dsmax session, if i hit the "show last vfb", it opens with 640*480.
    If i try to render with the saved region, then max crashes.
    If i open the Vray Frame buffer (Show last), then remove the region, everything works fine again.

    that means that i can't save a "with defined region" scene if my render is biger than 640*480.

    Hope it helps !!
    Jérôme Prévost.
    SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.

  • #2
    Can you send me the scene in its broken state?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Sure, here it is.
      Attached Files
      Jérôme Prévost.
      SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


      • #4
        Thank you very much for the scene - we have the same behavior on our side.
        Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce it on a new scene - have you got any ideas how to replicate the same issue on a complete new scene?
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          hmmm. weird.
          i just get this scene here :

          and played a bit with solidrocks in it. i'll check on my side, but SR don't touch anything of Vray region, so..
          Jérôme Prévost.
          SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


          • #6
            oh ! and btw i did used the VFB render history before things happens.
            Jérôme Prévost.
            SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


            • #7
              This issue has been fixed for the next official service pack.
              Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
              Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

