Hey there. So I have a function that will take any max material and return all submaps associated with that material. See below...
fn sLibGetMapsFromMaxWrapperObject inputMat a =
matsToProcess = #(inputMat)
for mat in matsToProcess do
if mat.numsubs != 0 then
for i = 1 to mat.numsubs do
if mat[i] != undefined then
if classof mat[i] == SubAnim then
if superclassof mat[i].object == textureMap then
if mat[i].object != undefined then append a mat[i].object
append matsToProcess mat[i]
But now say I have a material, and I place a VrayColorToBump in the bump slot, and then place a noise in the map, when I run my script, I get only the VrayColorToBump map in return, not the submap as well. My function seems to work with all maps types except this one vray one. Does VrayColorToBump have full maxscript acess? or am I doing something wrong. Thanks for any help!
- Neil
fn sLibGetMapsFromMaxWrapperObject inputMat a =
matsToProcess = #(inputMat)
for mat in matsToProcess do
if mat.numsubs != 0 then
for i = 1 to mat.numsubs do
if mat[i] != undefined then
if classof mat[i] == SubAnim then
if superclassof mat[i].object == textureMap then
if mat[i].object != undefined then append a mat[i].object
append matsToProcess mat[i]
But now say I have a material, and I place a VrayColorToBump in the bump slot, and then place a noise in the map, when I run my script, I get only the VrayColorToBump map in return, not the submap as well. My function seems to work with all maps types except this one vray one. Does VrayColorToBump have full maxscript acess? or am I doing something wrong. Thanks for any help!
- Neil