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Object Properties problem

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  • Object Properties problem

    I am doing the render of a scene and I change the matte object settings, on the Object Settings Tab. The problem is that I dont know at what point the scene no longer disables the Matte properties when I turn off matte object. and in the render the object renders fine in color but respects the alpha contribution propertie of the matte object .
    I notice that some objects are the one with the problem others render fine my work arround has been to delete the object properties of all objects by script but any time that I select an object and open the object settings Dialoge the settings on the objects are back
    this are the settings that the Objhect settings write. Any Idea how can I fixit or what is the error so I might turn to work properly the Matte object Settings?

    VRay_MoBlur_GeomSamples = 2
    VRay_GI_Generate = True
    VRay_GI_Receive = True
    VRay_GI_Multipier = 1.000000
    VRay_GI_GenerateMultipier = 1.000000
    VRay_GI_SubdivsMultiplier = 1.000000
    VRay_Caustics_Generate = True
    VRay_Caustics_Receive = True
    VRay_Caustics_Multipier = 1.000000
    VRay_MoBlur_DefaultGeomSamples = True
    VRay_Matte_Enable = False
    VRay_Matte_Alpha = 1.000000
    VRay_Matte_Shadows = False
    VRay_Matte_ShadowAlpha = False
    VRay_Matte_ShadowColor = [0,0,0]
    VRay_Matte_ShadowBrightness = 1.000000
    VRay_Matte_ReflectionAmount = 1.000000
    VRay_Matte_RefractionAmount = 1.000000
    VRay_Matte_GIAmount = 1.000000
    VRay_Matte_GI_OtherMattes = True
    VRay_GI_SurfaceID = 0
    VRay_GI_VisibleToGI = True
    VRay_GI_VisibleToReflections = True
    VRay_GI_VisibleToRefractions = True
    VRay_Secondary_Matte_Enable = False
    VRay_MoBlur_Override = False
    VRay_MoBlur_Override_Duration = 1.000000

  • #2

    If i understand your issue correct, you have problems with the alpha channel of some of your objects. Do you have V-Ray Wrapper material applied to any of the scene geometry?
    Try to select all objects you need to correct the alpha and then Right click > V-Ray Object properties > manually type 1 in Alpha contribution filed.
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

