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Separate multipliers for diffuse/spec/reflection per VRayLight

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  • Separate multipliers for diffuse/spec/reflection per VRayLight

    Edit: My bad, can we move this post to the "Wishlist" forum?

    As the title says. More often than not I have separate lights for diffuse vs spec/reflection and sometimes I break the light source
    into three different lights, with a different multiplier for each property
    Reel 2016

  • #2
    Yes! I think this has been asked for in a few other posts, also an option to have control to use a map for only diffuse, spec or reflection rays separately too was discussed so you can replace a blocky card type reflection with a bitmap or hdr but still use the normal non image driven light for lighting calculation.


    • #3
      Yes it's been requested quite a few times. +1 (again) from me! The main thing would be to have a softer/larger and/or dimmer specular and reflection multi on an otherwise bright light so you can have proper control.
      Alex York
      Founder of Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualisation

