I have run into a problem that I cannot figure out. In the attached images, in order to get the shadow of the cylinder that is on the opposite side of the glass to show up in the alpha channel, I must turn on the setting shown in VRay Properties for the matte object. But when I do, instead of the environment background color of white showing thru the matte object, it instead turns black. It only does this when looking thru the glass material; if I move the camera outside, the floor is white like the background as expected. While this is not really a problem for post, I'd still like to know why this happens.

I have run into a problem that I cannot figure out. In the attached images, in order to get the shadow of the cylinder that is on the opposite side of the glass to show up in the alpha channel, I must turn on the setting shown in VRay Properties for the matte object. But when I do, instead of the environment background color of white showing thru the matte object, it instead turns black. It only does this when looking thru the glass material; if I move the camera outside, the floor is white like the background as expected. While this is not really a problem for post, I'd still like to know why this happens.