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VRayPysicalCamera clipping doesn't work (VRay 3.00.07 on Max 2015)

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  • VRayPysicalCamera clipping doesn't work (VRay 3.00.07 on Max 2015)

    Camera clipping doesn't work anymore for me, using VRay 3.00.07 on Max 2015 x64 with a VRayPhysicalCamera with clipping planes set and enabled. The viewport shows proper clipping but when rendering it ignores the clipping planes completely.

    Any ideas?
    3DV - Ruud van Reenen

  • #2
    I needed clipping in frame 1. In frame 0 clipping was disabled, in frame 1 it was enabled.
    Turning clipping on in frame 0 and setting near clipping to 0 and far clipping to something huge 'fixed' it.

    So for some reason clipping needs to be enabled in frame 0, even when clipping is on/off is properly keyed in the other frames.
    3DV - Ruud van Reenen


    • #3

      We've noticed some problems with clipping as well. It works, but there's a slight difference between the result shown in viewport and what we get at rendering ... so it's tricky to set it up precisely
      Noticed on VRay 3.00.07 too, but on 3dsmax 2014.

      Nicolas Caplat


      • #4
        Originally posted by ruud3dv View Post
        Camera clipping doesn't work anymore for me, using VRay 3.00.07 on Max 2015 x64 with a VRayPhysicalCamera with clipping planes set and enabled. The viewport shows proper clipping but when rendering it ignores the clipping planes completely.

        Any ideas?
        We know about this issue with animated camera clipping and our developers are working on it.
        As soon as we have it resolved, will post a message here.

        Originally posted by NicoC View Post

        We've noticed some problems with clipping as well. It works, but there's a slight difference between the result shown in viewport and what we get at rendering ... so it's tricky to set it up precisely
        Noticed on VRay 3.00.07 too, but on 3dsmax 2014.

        Do you have the same issue as the one reported by Ruud? If it's a different case, would it be possible to attach your scene ?
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

