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toolbar lost after installing phoenixfd

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  • toolbar lost after installing phoenixfd

    I lost the vray toolbar after installing phoenixfd nightly. It happens often in the past that I lost the vray toolbar. Normally I just reinstall vray, but this time it does not reappear. I hide and unhide it by right clicking a toolbar and it does not reappear. I go in custtomize user interface and click hide et unclick it ans nothing do it.

    Maybe it would be better to include do a vray ribbon tab. I think they are more stable.
    Last edited by jstrob; 28-08-2014, 04:25 AM.


    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
    Little Antman
    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

  • #2
    You should be able to right-click on any other toolbar, and select the V-Ray toolbar from there.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3

      Could you give me the exact V-Ray and 3DS Max versions and i will try to reproduce this here?
      I have never seen this issue before.
      Tashko Zashev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Yes I know vlado. but the problem is that even if I unhide it it does not appear.

        Max 2015 sp2


        Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
        Little Antman
        See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
        Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


        • #5
          Hm. Will try to reproduce it here. I've never had this in 3ds Max 2014.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Ok. It may be due to other plugins interfereing. But that always happen only with vray toolbar. It happened sometimes in max 2014 to me but reainstalling vray fixed it. But now even when resintalling it does not come back. Anyway I created a tab in the ribbon for my vray shortcut.


            Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
            Little Antman
            See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
            Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


            • #7

              Can't reproduce it using the same versions here. Could be related to other plugins installed, but can't be sure about that because I have few here that creates additional toolbars.
              Which 3DS Max workspace you are using ? What about if you change it and restart 3DS Max to take its effect?
              Tashko Zashev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                I've got same problem here, installed Ornatrix & Forest pack pro too.
                Toolbar is here, but icons are inatives and tooltip is : >>>@!&"#<<<


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pingus View Post
                  I've got same problem here, installed Ornatrix & Forest pack pro too.
                  Toolbar is here, but icons are inatives and tooltip is : >>>@!&"#<<<
                  We don't have such issues on our machine where the same plugins are installed. Those plugins should not have any impact to the new V-Ray 3 toolbar.
                  What are the Ornatrix & Forest pack pro versions ?
                  Tashko Zashev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    I was using the max.vray defaultUI and I changed it to modular toolbar and then the vray toolbar reappeared. I then went back to default ui and the vray toolbar is there. so it did the trick! thanks!


                    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                    Little Antman
                    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                    • #11
                      Glad to hear you've sorted it out.
                      Tashko Zashev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        I now have this problem where I can't get the v-ray toobar back!

                        I had a problem with the "Selection Filter" tool-bar pull-down item, which showed up blank. The only way I could find to fix this was to change the UI in the Custom UI and defaults switcher. When I changed that to "MAX.vray" and "DefaultUI" I lost the v-ray toobar. I have also noticed that when I load a Custom UI scheme the v-ray tool-bar dissapears, but there is a very simple way to fix both situations... When, after making a change to the UI in any way, it tells you that you will need to re-start Max for the changes to complete, it really means that, and when you re-start, the v-ray toolbar comes back.

                        I thought I should share that.




                        • #13
                          Thank you very much for this sharing.
                          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

