while rendering a specifig scene I get a crash with the following output. The thing is, that I am not using an Illumination Map, I am rendering without GI.
This just happened out of nowhere. I opened the exact same scene that rendered just fine yesterday, now I can reproduce the crash every single time.
Scene setup: 6,6 s
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:06] Compiling render instances geometry.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Compiling lights geometry.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Preparing ray server.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Building Embree static raycaster...
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] -- Embree BVH type is bvh4.spatialsplit
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] -- Embree triangle representation is triangle4
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Embree static BVH stats:
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] triangles = 16417541
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] build time = 2043 ms
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] build performance = 8.037 Mtris/s
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] memory pool = 645.923 MB
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] sah = 3.85e+007
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] depth = 23
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] size = 1594.7 MB
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] nodes = 1659149 (212.4 MB) (13.30f total) (98.51231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] leaves = 4878827 (1382.3 MB) (86.70f total) (88.81231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] vertices = 0 (0.0 MB) (0.00f total) (75.01231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] using intersector fast.moeller for bvh4.triangle4
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Scene bounding box is [-669,765,-606,24,-43,0107]-[936,762,610,414,134,793]
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Preparing direct light manager.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Initializing built-in VFB.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Preparing global light manager.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Irradiance sample size is 84 bytes
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Cannot use fast GI because primary engine is not brute force
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Broadcasting NOTIFY_PRE_RENDERFRAME.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] beginFrame() done.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Broadcasting NOTIFY_BEGIN_RENDERING_ACTUAL_FRAME.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Setting up DoneCallback.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Rendering frame region (0,0)-(3840,2160).
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Photon size is 56 bytes.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Light cache sample size is 120 bytes.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Rendering image.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Setting up 32 thread(s)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:39] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (1440,120
Last marker is at ./src/globillummap.cpp, line 1570: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {1}
while rendering a specifig scene I get a crash with the following output. The thing is, that I am not using an Illumination Map, I am rendering without GI.
This just happened out of nowhere. I opened the exact same scene that rendered just fine yesterday, now I can reproduce the crash every single time.
Scene setup: 6,6 s
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:06] Compiling render instances geometry.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Compiling lights geometry.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Preparing ray server.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] Building Embree static raycaster...
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] -- Embree BVH type is bvh4.spatialsplit
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:08] -- Embree triangle representation is triangle4
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Embree static BVH stats:
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] triangles = 16417541
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] build time = 2043 ms
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] build performance = 8.037 Mtris/s
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] memory pool = 645.923 MB
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] sah = 3.85e+007
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] depth = 23
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] size = 1594.7 MB
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] nodes = 1659149 (212.4 MB) (13.30f total) (98.51231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] leaves = 4878827 (1382.3 MB) (86.70f total) (88.81231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] vertices = 0 (0.0 MB) (0.00f total) (75.01231592sed)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] using intersector fast.moeller for bvh4.triangle4
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Scene bounding box is [-669,765,-606,24,-43,0107]-[936,762,610,414,134,793]
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Preparing direct light manager.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:12] Initializing built-in VFB.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Preparing global light manager.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Irradiance sample size is 84 bytes
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Cannot use fast GI because primary engine is not brute force
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Broadcasting NOTIFY_PRE_RENDERFRAME.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] beginFrame() done.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Broadcasting NOTIFY_BEGIN_RENDERING_ACTUAL_FRAME.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Setting up DoneCallback.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Rendering frame region (0,0)-(3840,2160).
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Photon size is 56 bytes.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Light cache sample size is 120 bytes.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Rendering image.
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:22] Setting up 32 thread(s)
[2014/Dec/5|12:27:39] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (1440,120

Last marker is at ./src/globillummap.cpp, line 1570: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {1}