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VRay v3.10.01 and BackBurner

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  • VRay v3.10.01 and BackBurner


    Just wondering if you guys have experienced some weird behavior when using VRay 3 SP1 and BackBurner ? we have to investigate a bit more, but it seems the renderings we sent on friday for the weekend are crap: just like render settings have been set back to default (heavy noise everywhere). However, rendering "manually" from one machine using DR seems ok ... we never had this problem before updating to SP1.


    EDIT: it seems like reloading a rendering preset saved with previous VRay version solved the problem - for now
    Last edited by NicoC; 22-12-2014, 03:09 AM.
    Nicolas Caplat

  • #2
    Hi Nicolas,

    Would it be possible to provide us with more details about this issue?
    We need a scene and the exact versions of 3DS Max and Backburnder in order to run a the same test in our environment.

    Are you able to replicate this issue every time with any scene?
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hello Tashko
      The versions we use: 3dsmax 2014 SP5 / BackBurner 2014
      The scene will be hard to provide, as it's very big, with several big XRefs scenes ... and not to talk about NDA
      So far, we haven't been able to reproduce the problem with another scene, mainly because we've switched to SP1 last thursday. I'll try to test with other scenes ASAP and be back here with more informations.
      On a side note, I don't know if it has to be considered, but I've seen that with SP1 (apart if I misunderstoof), VRay now loads automatically a "default" preset when set as renderer. We have a preset named "00_DEFAULTS" in our presets list ... is there any chance that this preset was loaded by mistake ? certainly not the problem, but I'd still rather precise that

      Thanks again,

      Nicolas Caplat


      • #4
        If the preset causes the issue it wouldn't be difficult to simplify the scene and send it for investigation.

        Just remove everything from the scene, add a few basic primitives and run one more test to ensure that the issue is still there.
        If the issue is still reproducible please send us the simplified version of the scene along with both presets files (default/00_DEFAULTS) for investigation.

        Is the issue still there if both presets are deleted from renderpresets-folder?
        Does the issue appear with the latest 3.10.02 version?
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

