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only one license available, I see two on server?

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  • only one license available, I see two on server?

    Hello all,
    I have 2 x VRay 3.1 licenses activated on the dongle, I can see them.
    However, my two workstations cannot render at the same time. Both workstations have max 2014 open and I see the render panel can find license, but when I hit render the Vray log tells me it cant find a license. Both machines can render independently, but not at the same time, they both show the same error (cannot find a license 1002)

    Any help much appreciated. As with most errors, it worked fine on Friday, it doesnt work on Monday. \...
    Tom Livings.

  • #2
    I know its Christmas, but if there's anyone can help out I'd be grateful,
    Tom Livings.


    • #3
      Error Code 1002 means that all render-node licenses on the dongle are engaged.

      Check how many render-node licenses are engaged when rendering with one machine only, only 1 should be occupied if DR is disabled.
      Have you tried to restart both machines and run another test render?
      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


      • #4
        OK, so I have 11 nodes, 2 x workstations. The http://localhost:30304 thing shows 12 RENDER licenses on the dongle. If one machine is using all the nodes then that occupies everything? So the nodes are not considered a separate entity for licensing purposes, they are indistinguishable from workstations?
        Tom Livings.


        • #5
          There are 2 licenses, the first lets you modify settings and whatnot and the 2nd is used for rendering. You have 12 rendering licenses so you can render on 12 machines, it doesn't care if they are also workstations or are just nodes.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tommy L View Post
            If one machine is using all the nodes then that occupies everything? So the nodes are not considered a separate entity for licensing purposes, they are indistinguishable from workstations?
            One machine should only engage 1 Render License for rendering and 1 GUI License if it is used as a workstation.
            Each Render Node license is a separate license and it can be engaged from multiple machines regardless they are workstations or render-slaves. The number of the Render Node licenses determines the maximum number of machines used simultaneously for rendering, f.e. if you have 12 Render Node licenses you should be able to render on 12 machines at the same time.

            In our database I can see that some of the licenses you own have expiration date which might be the reason of the issue. Please create a screen-shot of the entire http://localhost:30304 page and send it to along with a link to this thread.

            Thank you very much in advance.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

