With V-Ray 3.10 as my material swatch renderer, opening a simple material library with very light jpgs (500k-2meg) has me waiting for minutes for the thumbnails to draw. The material library is made of nothing but jpgs and are on our Isolon server (fast). My specs are below. When I switch to scanline, the same material library opens INSTANTLY. NO LAG.
3ds Max 2015 Sp3 Ext2
Vray 3.10.01 - set as production and material renderer
HP Z820 - 64gigs of Ram
Graphics Cards - Geforce GTX 780 + Quadro K4000
3ds Max 2015 Sp3 Ext2
Vray 3.10.01 - set as production and material renderer
HP Z820 - 64gigs of Ram
Graphics Cards - Geforce GTX 780 + Quadro K4000