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temporary macroscripts from vray(?) stalls max on startup

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  • temporary macroscripts from vray(?) stalls max on startup


    We are gettings these scripts in
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMaxDesign\2014 - 64bit\ENU\usermacros
    named something along the lines of "__temp3012.mcr"

    And it seems after they've been created and not removed, Max stalls on startup until I go in and remove them manually.

    The content of the files are incomplete: (cited exactly as in files)

    macroScript VRayProxy
    	buttonText:"V-Ray Proxy"
    	toolTip: "Create V-Ray Proxy"
    	local enabled = false
    	fn checkRenderer = (
    		productRenderer = renderers.production
    		if(productRenderer != undefined) then (
    			enabled = ((productRenderer.classid[1] == 1941615238) and (productRenderer.classid[2] == 2012806412) or (productRenderer.classid[1] == 1770671000) and (productRenderer.
    macroScript vrayProperties category:"VRay" buttontext:"V-Ray properties" tooltip:"Displays the VRay object
    macroScript VRayIES
    	buttonText:"V-Ray IES Light"
    	toolTip: "Create V-Ray IES Light"
    	local enabled = false
    	fn checkRenderer = (
    		productRenderer = renderers.production

    We are running Win 7, Deadline6, Max 2014 & 2015 and the node I'm currently troubleshooting is on vray 3.10.02 and also Forest Pack 4.24. Was about to upgrade all of the farm to latest vray and forestpack when I got back from the holidays and got the nice surprice of the expired Corona Alpha my colleagues installed, that had broken the entire farm when it expired. Troubleshooting several things here at once now.

    Just though I'd start by asking here since the scripts seem obviously vray related Even though the fault might be in Deadline somehow since this doesn't happen on my workstation a the moment.


    EDIT: atm I'm troubleshooting in 2014, but maybe I should mention that I just installed SP3 on 2015.
    Also I tried searching the forums and the web for help but found nothing, sorry if this issue has been brought up elsewhere.
    Last edited by tzaar; 12-01-2015, 09:24 AM.

  • #2
    This is a bug in 3ds Max. Removing the temporary scripts solves the issue. I don't know of any other way to fix this - we don't copy those scripts there ourselves.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Ok, thanks for the quick reply! Wish I knew better how to proceed with this though. Getting quick replies like this from autodesk (or any solution at all), feels like praying to god for an atheist like myself...


      • #4
        Well, you should report it to Autodesk, first of all, just so as they are aware of the issue. Next, is there any logic to when this starts happening? F.e. starting two copies of 3ds Max or something like that?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          I haven't found a logic to it yet. It seems not all of the nodes in the farm are affected. I'm usually quite good at keeping things in order, but I'm afraid there's several symptoms originating from more than one problem so to speak, and I'm getting a bit confused as to what started appearing when and what solved what now.

          Anyway after reinstalling forest pack, I haven't been able to provoke it (yet).

          But I'm glad you mentioned two copies of max, because the nodes are currently starting both Spawner 2014 and 2015 as services on autologin, and then comes Deadline which I guess also loads 3dsmax.exe. That could be a problem I guess...
          Last edited by tzaar; 12-01-2015, 11:07 AM.


          • #6
            just to update, everything seems to be working fine now after cleaning up temporary scripts on all nodes, un- and reinstalling ForestPack 4.2.5, and making sure that there was no traces of Corona Alpha left, not even macroscripts (that lingered in the folder mentioned above even after uninstall)
            Also made sure all 2015 installs got SP3, and vray 3.10.02. And had one of our IT consultants do some magic with the autologin procedures on the nodes. There was a problem with things starting as services before networkdrives had been mapped, which doesn't happen until the user is logged in.
            So after that and haven't been able to find any problems yet. I had several problems at once, but the most mysterious one was the corrupt macroscripts. Some times I would get a scriptlistener window from the 3dsmax.exes started by spawner 2014 and 2015. And I think that's when the __temp1243.mcr files where generated. My prime suspects are now ForestPack and Corona, maybe in connection with spawners being started as service.

            Thank you for your time! I'll post here again if I run in to these files again.


            • #7
              Ok, let us know how it goes.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

