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textures rendering, but not showing in mat editor or viewport

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  • textures rendering, but not showing in mat editor or viewport

    ive brought somebody elses max model into my scene. it renders fine-ish, but all the swatches in the material editor are shown with no texture map. i can see there is a texture map in the slot, its found the file, if i go into the texture, it shows in the swatch, but when i go back up to the main material swatch, no texture shown. its like the tickbox next to the map is unticked.. but its not.

    they also refuse to show in the viewport.

    if i create a new bitmap texture and reassign the map it works fine, but there are probably 100 materials in there, and like i said, it seems to render ok. does make adjusting mapping and materials a right pain though.

    vray 3.1

    max 2014.

  • #2
    If you are using the Material Slate please check whether you have the Teapot button on the left-bottom corner enabled. Click image for larger version

Name:	XNRDv51.png
Views:	1
Size:	5.3 KB
ID:	855136 Or try to enable -disable it.
    In case you use old Material editor try to go to: Material>Show Material in Viewport as>...without maps and then choose Material>Show Material in Viewport as>...with maps to see whether the textures will get updated.
    Moreover try to use the "Reload" button in the Bitmap map.
    Do you know with which V-Ray version was the imported file created?
    Last edited by Zdravko.Keremidchiev; 27-01-2015, 06:49 AM.
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      hi, ive tried reloading the maps, and the show material... option in the mat editor (i use the old one) doesnt make any difference.

      also note that the materials ive created myself earlier in the job still display fine in the mat editor and viewport.

      the only way ive found to get the maps working again in the mateditor/viewport is to create a new bitmap texture and reassign the map.

      i have no idea of the vray version used, and i dont think i can find out.

      not very helpful i know!

      if i have a chance ill try to get an example scene but im right on a deadline here.


      • #4
        Is this just with VRayHDRIs or bitmap nodes? I have a few times seen this with VRayHDRI, and I think it had to do with the tile cache. I seem to recall one render with clear tile cache on render end solved it.


        • #5
          im afraid they are all just standard bitmap textures could be something to do with the pager? hmm let me see.


          • #6
            We would like to check your scene in our environment, can you send it to ?
            Tsvetan Geshev
            Technical Support Representative

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              im afraid im up against a deadline now.. i will see if i can set something up in a few days.


              • #8
                ive sent an email to support with a single object from my scene that exhibits this behaviour.. im sure its one of those things, youll open the file and it will be fine :P


                • #9
                  Thank you very much for the scene.
                  We'll investigate it and we'll keep you posted.
                  Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                  Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                  • #10
                    Check you renderer assignments in the common tab. Make sure you have vRay set as the renderer for the material editor.


                    • #11
                      yep its assigned.. as mentioned all the materials ive created myself in the same project appear just fine.

                      to make matters extra.. erm.. annoying, i sent a stripped file to the guys at chaos and it works just fine for them.

                      ive almost finished the job now, so i think this one is gonna get chalked up to a "ghost in the machine"

