We are experiencing some troubles with VRayFastSSS2 shaders when the VRayPhysicalCam Motion Blur is on. If an object with that shader is excluded from (or not included in) a backlight (any kind of light with VRay properties), subsurface is treated anyway and appears weirdly. Kind of annoying if you have a complex lighting with several objects with SSS shaders ...
Thanks for your help
Here an example file: SSSMBTrouble.zip
Julien from CubeCreativeCompany.
We are experiencing some troubles with VRayFastSSS2 shaders when the VRayPhysicalCam Motion Blur is on. If an object with that shader is excluded from (or not included in) a backlight (any kind of light with VRay properties), subsurface is treated anyway and appears weirdly. Kind of annoying if you have a complex lighting with several objects with SSS shaders ...
Thanks for your help
Here an example file: SSSMBTrouble.zip
Julien from CubeCreativeCompany.