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[Vray2.5] Issue with Render To Texture with Backburner

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  • [Vray2.5] Issue with Render To Texture with Backburner

    I've always found that rendering to texture via Vray is somewhat unpredictable and sometimes even unreliable. I know one can use Vray's own framebuffer to output non-quadratic textures, but what I want to do here is to use render slaves and Backburner to do the job for me. Sending Render To Texture jobs to Backburner is not a problem at all, but I have noticed that there are several quirks the way Vray/3dsmax currently handles such Backburner jobs.

    For example:
    • I will always get quadratic textures, unless I tick the Save File under Render Output in the main Render Setup window. If this checkbox is ticked, the output of the baked texture will be the Output Size specified in the Render Setup window (not the map size from the Render To Texture window). Although the baked texture creates a file, the output file set in Render Setup will not be created. So far so good, however:
    • It seems like some frames render, but the output file fails to be created. Backburner reports that these files have been Complete, but the output file just can't be found anywhere. First I thought this was an issue when several computers work together on a single job, but then I realized this issue also happens when each computer got their own job with their own unique frame range to render.
    • Vray/3dsmax does not respect the Skip Existing Files in the Render To Texture window. I first thought that this feature could help me repair the missing frames easily, but turns out Backburner jobs just renders out everything anyway, including already rendered frames. Even rendering local jobs doesn't work when Skip Existing Files is ticked.
    • If I want to use my render slaves, the only solution right now is to use Distributed Rendering when baking the textures. The problem is that I can't offload my local working station when doing that since it will be occupied with managing the baking process. I will also get quadratic textures when doing this, which I have to resize in post. And rendering out with via Vray's own framebuffer gives me multiple files of the same frame, which requires manual work to delete.

    Thing is that our current job task involves and requires baking out longer sequences, so there is no workaround solution if we want to get the job done. It would be really helpful if these issues could be addressed. Vray is such a wonderful renderer otherwise, but I have always felt that the texture baking functions is the least stable part of it.
    Last edited by Swahn_Kung; 24-03-2015, 02:27 AM.

  • #2
    Made some tests with V-Ray 3 and everything seems fine - there are no missing frames (both max and VFB output) and "Skip Existing Files" works properly...
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      I understand. But I'm using Vray 2.5.


      • #4
        Can you upload somewhere a scene that reproduces the problem ?
        If it was that easy, it would have already been done

        Peter Matanov

